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My scorpion thread


Well-Known Member
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3 Year Member
Outside San Antonio, TX
Well. I'm proud to say, my gracilis babies have left mom, who has been placed back in the adult communal tank. By hand. Very sweet momma. I've lost, as close as I can guess, three slings who came off early and went to a water cap..dont give baby scorps a water cap. They do drown, unlike spiders. At least another 5 came off the day they were born. Those were eithereaten or crushed by mom. I just fed at least 15 that are left, most likely 20-25. I fed lateralis nymphs, which everyone, including mom,took down. I can't describe how enjoyable this is becoming :D Have any of you ever fed 20 hungry scorp babies?!? My communal of six 3i did not prepare me for this. I'll freakin breast feed these fantastic little monsters to maturity, LOL

Arachnid dude

3 Year Member
Bensalem PA
Congrats that the babies left Mom's back. Yeah from my experience slings don't fair well with bottle caps unless you've got pebbles in there or something to prevent drowning. My 1.2 C. gracilis are doing good, and actually the male was trying to get some action going with one of the females but she was munching on a mealworm, so wasn't in the mood. She would tail slap him and keep moving around.


Well-Known Member
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3 Year Member
Outside San Antonio, TX
In the bottom pic you can see the one that grabbed a nymph..and immediately ran back up mom to eat his meal in safety. I had to prod him off, at which point he tried to sting the paintbrush:) Mom walked onto my hand and right back into the adult enclosure. I was expecting attitude, these aren't usually very docile. She seemed relieved to me..lol. I'll get a proper count of the babies when I can.

Arachnid dude

3 Year Member
Bensalem PA
Yeah that's pretty funny that one ran back to mom to eat. Yeah mom's like get 'em out of here I done...lol and that's probably why she seemed very docile, more focused on getting away from the little ones.


Well-Known Member
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3 Year Member
Outside San Antonio, TX
lmao..@Arachnid Dude I just realized you were asking how fat she was..:D She looked well fed, like the other two females. Not huge or obviously gravid. It came as a surprise finding the babies on her back.

Arachnid dude

3 Year Member
Bensalem PA
lmao..@Arachnid Dude I just realized you were asking how fat she was..:D She looked well fed, like the other two females. Not huge or obviously gravid. It came as a surprise finding the babies on her back.

Yeah sorry I should of said that, it was clear in my head....:) That's what I was mainly interested in, if she looked obviously gravid.


Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Outside San Antonio, TX
No, my bad, it should have been obvious:D I have some really fat short tailed locals, Centruroides vittatus, I have three wc that all look hugely fat..im hoping for some babies. To be quite honest, Centruroides sp interest me far more then any other scorps, even the prettier ones. They're MUCH more active, and I love watching my gracillis babies chase down prey..these have to be the most active genus on the planet. If not, I want to know..buthids rock, screw venom potency..


Well-Known Member
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3 Year Member
Outside San Antonio, TX
This is what I believe are 3-4 instar. There were three, two suspect males and a female. One of the males was eaten. I'm pondering splitting up the other 5, but I feed all of them so well...this shouldn't have happened..the other two have their own enclosure, and have also been doing fine..so four out of five left of my Heterometrus cyaneus. Most of the rest of my scorpions are buthids, and I haven't found any cannibalism among them at all.. While I've read that this happens even with buthids, from what I've seen they're more likely to "guard" a molting bro/sis, and they ain't messing around. Stick your finger next to a molting scorp with a sibling standing guard..you'll see very quickly what I mean..


Well-Known Member
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3 Year Member
OK listen. Help me out here. I have a 29 gallon tank I got for the express purpose of keeping a pair of scorpions in. I also have an empty 10. (that's semi reserved for Ladybird). I can easily get another ten as they are fairly cheap.

I want to 'see' them. So who do I need to be looking at? Prefer something easier to keep as firsts and really want to eventually sneak some beetles in there with them. (Death feigning beetles) to try to make a nice natural looking habitat. Give me some suggestions?

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