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My little Lucy girl reappeared! But she seems sickly... :(


New Member
Denver, Colorado
As some of you may or may not know, one of my T's escaped into a vent and was missing for about a month. She reappeared today and I could not be happier :') However, her rump is extremely small and she is (understandably) showing signs of trauma (for lack of a better term...). I got her in a jar and just put the open jar with her in it in her enclosure (she can get out and into her enclosure easily) which is warm and newly misted with two roaches in there. Will she be ok? She has only been home for about an hour. Any tips?

Thank you all! I appreciate you <3

Please pray for my girl!


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
She's more than likely very dehydrated. Make sure there is fresh water available. Maybe add a second water dish. I wouldn't attempt to feed her for a couple of days. Dehydrated T's generally aren't good eaters anyway. Make sure she can rehydrate over a couple of days then attempt to feed her.
And count yourself as lucky you got her back.


New Member
Denver, Colorado
Sounds like she is dehydrated so if she has immediate access to a water dish is the most important thing, she may want to eat once she's settled back in but this may take a while - you are very lucky to get her back I hope she pulls through :)
Thank you! Her water bowl is full and I spritzed the tank and her with some water. She is acting very peculiar and had her fangs out and it looked like she was literally eating her leg last night? (as you can tell I am still fairly new to this hobby and am still learning how tarantulas function). Now she is not moving at all even when I tried lighting "shaking" her enclosure. Could she be molting? Is she dead :(? Either way, I will definitely give her a while before making wild death assumptions to see if she has moved or molted. I ordered a new T (Brazillian black sling) because I was sure she was gone and not coming back after a month and given that she went into an apartment complex vent, I am very happy she is back (& hopefully alive and will be back to thriving again soon) and to have two T's (they will be in separate enclosures of course).


New Member
Denver, Colorado
She's more than likely very dehydrated. Make sure there is fresh water available. Maybe add a second water dish. I wouldn't attempt to feed her for a couple of days. Dehydrated T's generally aren't good eaters anyway. Make sure she can rehydrate over a couple of days then attempt to feed her.
And count yourself as lucky you got her back.
Hi Frogdaddy (love the name btw haha), thanks for your feedback! I would really appreciate (if you have time) if you could refer to my response to @ilovebrachys on this thread and provide any tips/suggestions you may have.

I love the support of this forum and everyone on it, including you and @ilovebrachys, has been so helpful for a new (got my first about 4-ish months ago) T owner and hobbyist. Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Thank you! Her water bowl is full and I spritzed the tank and her with some water. She is acting very peculiar and had her fangs out and it looked like she was literally eating her leg last night? (as you can tell I am still fairly new to this hobby and am still learning how tarantulas function). Now she is not moving at all even when I tried lighting "shaking" her enclosure. Could she be molting? Is she dead :(? Either way, I will definitely give her a while before making wild death assumptions to see if she has moved or molted. I ordered a new T (Brazillian black sling) because I was sure she was gone and not coming back after a month and given that she went into an apartment complex vent, I am very happy she is back (& hopefully alive and will be back to thriving again soon) and to have two T's (they will be in separate enclosures of course).
You will probably find that what looked like her biting her leg was in fact grooming behaviour -
Is she on the bottom of the enclosure at the moment? can you post a picture of her in her enclosure at all? :)


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Thank you! Her water bowl is full and I spritzed the tank and her with some water. She is acting very peculiar and had her fangs out and it looked like she was literally eating her leg last night? (as you can tell I am still fairly new to this hobby and am still learning how tarantulas function). Now she is not moving at all even when I tried lighting "shaking" her enclosure. Could she be molting? Is she dead :(? Either way, I will definitely give her a while before making wild death assumptions to see if she has moved or molted. I ordered a new T (Brazillian black sling) because I was sure she was gone and not coming back after a month and given that she went into an apartment complex vent, I am very happy she is back (& hopefully alive and will be back to thriving again soon) and to have two T's (they will be in separate enclosures of course).
@spidysoph no problem, I'm glad to help. I agree with @ilovebrachys it sounds like your T is just grooming or preening. They are just cleaning themselves. Much like you see a bird running it's beak through it's feathers or a cat licking it's paw and running it through their fur, it's totally normal and quite cute to watch,

I understand you are trying to make sure your T gets re-hydrated, I would probably not mist them directly, most T's don't like getting sprayed with water at all, in fact it may cause them to bolt in a mad dash to escape the "rain". If I remember correctly you have an Avic that escaped. If there is still webbing in it's enclosure you may try very lightly misting the webbing which would give the T another drinking option. Lightly mist, you're not trying to recreate a monsoon.

T's usually, but not always, molt on their backs. If you're looking for constant movement and activity to indicate she's ok don't. T's don't move much really. Even a healthy T may stay in one position for hours or days without moving at all, totally normal.
I think she may just be stressed and trying to recover. My best advice would to make sure she has a supply of fresh water and put her enclosure in a slightly darkened, quiet, peaceful area and leave her alone. Check on her a couple of times per day just to observe any behavior. But give her a few days of peace and quiet to get re-acclimated to her enclosure and re-hydrate. If she climbs back up in her web or starts webbing again that's a really good sign of normal behavior. I would wait a few (2 or 3) days before I would attempt to feed her. Monitor the feeding, if she doesn't eat within 24 hours remove the uneaten feeder and try again in a few days.
As some of you may or may not know, one of my T's escaped into a vent and was missing for about a month. She reappeared today and I could not be happier :') However, her rump is extremely small and she is (understandably) showing signs of trauma (for lack of a better term...). I got her in a jar and just put the open jar with her in it in her enclosure (she can get out and into her enclosure easily) which is warm and newly misted with two roaches in there. Will she be ok? She has only been home for about an hour. Any tips?

Thank you all! I appreciate you <3

Please pray for my girl!

As some of you may or may not know, one of my T's escaped into a vent and was missing for about a month. She reappeared today and I could not be happier :') However, her rump is extremely small and she is (understandably) showing signs of trauma (for lack of a better term...). I got her in a jar and just put the open jar with her in it in her enclosure (she can get out and into her enclosure easily) which is warm and newly misted with two roaches in there. Will she be ok? She has only been home for about an hour. Any tips?

Thank you all! I appreciate you <3

Please pray for my girl!
So glad that your little girl returned home, spidysoph! Hi five!

I certainly will pray again for her recovery, because I know that God does answer.
I posted a thread in another section for these special occasions.



Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
So glad that your little girl returned home, spidysoph! Hi five!

I certainly will pray again for her recovery, because I know that God does answer.
I posted a thread in another section for these special occasions.

I'm here to discuss T's. Don't give two craps about your phoney man in the sky. T's and religion don't mix
I'm here to discuss T's. Don't give two craps about your phoney man in the sky. T's and religion don't mix
Spidysoph said,

"Thank you all! I appreciate you <3
Please pray for my girl!"

I prayed for Spidysoph's lost pet as did my friends who think they are strange. Jesus Himself spoke to this issue in the parable of the lost lamb. His Father listens to me and answers often. There are many times when tragic things occured and my Father came through very obviously.
She asked for prayer and you do not believe in Him is clear. She has one man on this forum that will not only talk to Him about her special pet, but He will listen.
You say you are here to talk Ts.
I am to.
I spoke to her loss within hours of her reporting it, and by no coincidence. I addressed the dire situation the best I knew how. In spite of dropping into an extremely hot perilous environment, it returned alive.
We have differing religions. Mine includes a Creator of wonderful creatures that we enjoy. Your religion has no place for Him.
I sat through 18 years of a formal God hating religion that tried to force me that we evolved from a rock. When I simply rejoice with a fellow T owner's request for prayer for 30 seconds the soy boys just can't tolerate it.


New Member
Denver, Colorado
You will probably find that what looked like her biting her leg was in fact grooming behaviour -
Is she on the bottom of the enclosure at the moment? can you post a picture of her in her enclosure at all? :)
She was still in the jar that I captured her in when this happened and I had the jar resting with an open area for her to leave the jar into her enclosure when/if she pleased. She has since done so and I have removed the jar from her enclosure. Either way, she moved! Here is a photo of her and also of my new Brazillian black sling just for fun :) However, everyone keeps talking about webbing, and I have never once witnessed Lucy make a web nor seen one in her enclosure for the 4+ months I've had her, is this normal? @Frogdaddy you may also comment of course! No talk of religion from me, I promise!


New Member
Denver, Colorado
She was still in the jar that I captured her in when this happened and I had the jar resting with an open area for her to leave the jar into her enclosure when/if she pleased. She has since done so and I have removed the jar from her enclosure. Either way, she moved! Here is a photo of her and also of my new Brazillian black sling just for fun :) However, everyone keeps talking about webbing, and I have never once witnessed Lucy make a web nor seen one in her enclosure for the 4+ months I've had her, is this normal? @Frogdaddy you may also comment of course! No talk of religion from me, I promise! View attachment 51860View attachment 51861
Might I add that the sling's name is Peanut :p


Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
She was still in the jar that I captured her in when this happened and I had the jar resting with an open area for her to leave the jar into her enclosure when/if she pleased. She has since done so and I have removed the jar from her enclosure. Either way, she moved! Here is a photo of her and also of my new Brazillian black sling just for fun :) However, everyone keeps talking about webbing, and I have never once witnessed Lucy make a web nor seen one in her enclosure for the 4+ months I've had her, is this normal? @Frogdaddy you may also comment of course! No talk of religion from me, I promise! View attachment 51860View attachment 51861
From what little I can see of her she looks OK? You can turn that piece of bark up the other way as avics prefer upright cork/bark she may feel more settled if you provide this for her rest it so it cannot fall over though - she needs time to recover :)
She will hopefully web up once she feels settled - do your best to just leave her alone :)
Your little baby pulchra is very cute :)


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
She was still in the jar that I captured her in when this happened and I had the jar resting with an open area for her to leave the jar into her enclosure when/if she pleased. She has since done so and I have removed the jar from her enclosure. Either way, she moved! Here is a photo of her and also of my new Brazillian black sling just for fun :) However, everyone keeps talking about webbing, and I have never once witnessed Lucy make a web nor seen one in her enclosure for the 4+ months I've had her, is this normal? @Frogdaddy you may also comment of course! No talk of religion from me, I promise! View attachment 51860View attachment 51861
Well all I can see is some legs but it's good she moved out of the jar and into her enclosure. I agree you should take that half log and stand it upright. Perhaps in the corner with some of the plastic plant near it/over it. It will.give her a nice secure place to call home. She will settle down over the next few days and weeks and begin to use the plant and log to attach her webbing.
Just give her peace and quiet and she should be ready to fees soon.

Nice G. pulchra sling. How big is it? I've got about a 1.5" sling I'm raising now. Hoping for a molt soon so I can see more of that smoove black coloration.


Well-Known Member
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Tarantula Club Member
Queens, NY
So happy to read this :D
As said on your original post, it is always worth it to keep your hopes up. Let your baby settle down and recover slowly, these are fragile but also surprisingly resistant little animals. Now you can tell your roommate/neighbor that as proven they are armless and trained to come back to their enclosure ;)
This is a wonderful learning experience, after my escape artist came back and never again lost a single one.


New Member
Denver, Colorado
Well all I can see is some legs but it's good she moved out of the jar and into her enclosure. I agree you should take that half log and stand it upright. Perhaps in the corner with some of the plastic plant near it/over it. It will.give her a nice secure place to call home. She will settle down over the next few days and weeks and begin to use the plant and log to attach her webbing.
Just give her peace and quiet and she should be ready to fees soon.

Nice G. pulchra sling. How big is it? I've got about a 1.5" sling I'm raising now. Hoping for a molt soon so I can see more of that smoove black coloration.
Frogdaddy back at it again with the good advice! It amazes me how much there is to know about these creatures, I would have never thought to put the branch upwards as a way to make her feel more comfy. I will do that tonight if I can without touching her.

The G. Pulchra is way smaller than I thought it would be. Only about 1" across and maybe 1'3" legspan. He (or she) is super cute. I bought a cool skull hideout today while picking up roaches to put in Peanut's enclosure. How much has yours grown since you got it? I am so excited for mine to be a silky jet black giant one day.

Stan Schultz

Active Member
3 Year Member
Anywhere in North America.
Thank you! Her water bowl is full and I spritzed the tank and her with some water.

She is acting very peculiar and had her fangs out and it looked like she was literally eating her leg last night? (as you can tell I am still fairly new to this hobby and am still learning how tarantulas function). Now she is not moving at all even when I tried lighting "shaking" her enclosure. Could she be molting? Is she dead :(? Either way, I will definitely give her a while before making wild death assumptions to see if she has moved or molted. I ordered a new T (Brazillian black sling) because I was sure she was gone and not coming back after a month and given that she went into an apartment complex vent, I am very happy she is back (& hopefully alive and will be back to thriving again soon) and to have two T's (they will be in separate enclosures of course).

As some of you may or may not know, one of my T's escaped into a vent and was missing for about a month. She reappeared today and I could not be happier :') However, her rump is extremely small and she is (understandably) showing signs of trauma (for lack of a better term...). I got her in a jar and just put the open jar with her in it in her enclosure (she can get out and into her enclosure easily) which is warm and newly misted with two roaches in there. Will she be ok? She has only been home for about an hour. Any tips?

Thank you all! I appreciate you <3

Please pray for my girl!
As some of you may or may not know, one of my T's escaped into a vent and was missing for about a month. She reappeared today and I could not be happier :') However, her rump is extremely small and she is (understandably) showing signs of trauma (for lack of a better term...). I got her in a jar and just put the open jar with her in it in her enclosure (she can get out and into her enclosure easily) which is warm and newly misted with two roaches in there. Will she be ok? She has only been home for about an hour. Any tips?

Thank you all! I appreciate you <3

Please pray for my girl!
Thank you! Her water bowl is full and I spritzed the tank and her with some water. She is acting very peculiar and had her fangs out and it looked like she was literally eating her leg last night? (as you can tell I am still fairly new to this hobby and am still learning how tarantulas function). Now she is not moving at all even when I tried lighting "shaking" her enclosure. Could she be molting? Is she dead :(? Either way, I will definitely give her a while before making wild death assumptions to see if she has moved or molted. I ordered a new T (Brazillian black sling) because I was sure she was gone and not coming back after a month and given that she went into an apartment complex vent, I am very happy she is back (& hopefully alive and will be back to thriving again soon) and to have two T's (they will be in separate enclosures of course).

As some of you may or may not know, one of my T's escaped into a vent and was missing for about a month. She reappeared today and I could not be happier :') However, her rump is extremely small and she is (understandably) showing signs of trauma (for lack of a better term...).
As everybody else has responded, it's suffering mostly from dehydration. If you don't see it drinking, eating, or if it doesn't seen to improve in the first 48 hours, follow the directions in The Intensive Care Unit (ICU). You might also consider reading the other pages in the Spiders, Calgary website. Guaranteed to save you money AND dead tarantulas!

Best of luck.

I got her in a jar and just put the open jar with her in it in her enclosure (she can get out and into her enclosure easily) which is warm and newly misted with two roaches in there. Will she be ok? She has only been home for about an hour. Any tips?

Thank you all! I appreciate you <3

Please pray for my girl!

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