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My first sling!


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3 Year Member
20151111_161501.jpg Hello everyone. New here and wanna show off my pretty little girl. Strange that I ordered a completely different species. Well she's here and there not getting her back! Anyone know what species exactly she is?


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3 Year Member
You just went and bought a tarantula without knowing what it is? Looks like either A.geniculata or A.brocklehursti.


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Not quite understanding. This isn't the T you ordered? Welcome by the way ^*^


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Maybe I didn't explain myself thoroughly. I researched for months about care and behavior of tarantulas. I decided to be set on getting a black Brazilian which she/he should have been. The company didn't have any so I'm guessing they sent whatever they did have thinking I wouldn't notice. When in fact I immediately notice. Me being the animal/arachnid lover I am fell in love with Sam and would never part with her. Though I am still seeking the correct order and waiting for the company to have the black Brazilian in Stock to send me the right one free of charge. I kind of like when they make mistakes that turn out this way! Thank you for the greetings. She just molted too btw


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Didn't get my black yet but Sam is awesome. I didn't know how drastically the color changes after molting. And thank you


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Tarantula Club Member
Malton, UK
Hi. Congrats on your surprise T. Have you tried asking the seller which T he/she sent you?


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3 Year Member
Kinda weird. They were insisting I received the right one until I sent him a picture showing them that I obviously got the wrong one. Then they agreed to send me the black Brazilian which I originally ordered when they get them back in stock. Thank you for your kind greetings as well. So nice to see people that share the same interest without being rude or obnoxious or narrow minded


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I think you'll enjoy this one either way. I'm not sure if it's A.geniculata or A.brocklehursti, as both look very similar in appearance, and get to be around the same size. All I can say is watch your fingers, as they have ridiculous feeding responses and will mistake everything that moves for prey. It's always a good idea to get some large tongs for feeding and maintenance if you don't already have some.


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3 Year Member
Thank you for the tip. I have tongues that I used currently. I try to handle all of my pets so they do not get scared of me. All of my pets that I own are all tame. She's very small now she's not even the size of a quarter yet and she's been eating very well so far without biting me although I do use tongs when feeding. I had the tongs because I have other animals that may do a lot worse damage if mistakenly bitten.


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Thank you for the tip. I have tongues that I used currently. I try to handle all of my pets so they do not get scared of me. All of my pets that I own are all tame. She's very small now she's not even the size of a quarter yet and she's been eating very well so far without biting me although I do use tongs when feeding. I had the tongs because I have other animals that may do a lot worse damage if mistakenly bitten.
I hate to have to inform you of this but that doesn't really really work like that with invertebrates. These animals operate purely on instinct and they aren't animals that can be tamed or trained like a dog or cat. Many species are either highly defensive and/or skittish in addition to being very fast and some posess medically significant venom. You can't really do anything to change defensive behavior in tarantula, this is pretty much hardwired into their DNA. They're like this for a reason. If we take a look at some of the predators in their natural habitats, we may see why.


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I do understand that certain traits of these species cannot be changed. I believe most animals as well as invertebrates can distinguish prey from other living organisms. Same as the way I feed her both crickets and meal worms but she has her preference currently solely for the meal worms. I do not handle her as much as I may have come off to. Not out of fear but my concern for not wanting to stress her. But I do appreciate any educational info and thank you for your advice. I am new to having a tarantula but you must understand that I have thoroughly and repeatedly done research as I do with any animal I am considering breeding or having as permanent pets. I do love all my babies and only want what is best for them.


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I'm not questioning your responsibility I'm sure you care lot about your animals which is good. It's just that whenever I see someone talking about taming a tarantula it just automatically raises a few red flags in my head. I once talked to a guy who claimed that his H.maculata would allow him to handle it if he sang to it in a soothing voice. Not only is the claim itself just totally laughable, but all it takes is one time of that spider not being in a good mood. However you seem a lot more responsible than that guy.


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3 Year Member
Thank you. I really do take a pride in my animals. That guy really sounded like a moron. I don't know how far off the tarantula topic I can go but I will give you a quick example of how extensive my research is. I am getting Asian water monitors to breed. I'm thinking around Christmas I will get them because I have been studying on them for about 6 months and I feel I am getting close to understanding their behaviors and optimal care for them. I would love to breed t's but that may take a while since I do not have a large calling for them as of yet . one of the reasons I joined this is to try to help people understand what wonderful creature they are

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