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I love emperors. Just had a Gravid female give birth. Second time for me. Small clutch this time, only 8 when I separated them from their mother. Maybe some cannabalism? Or just a small clutch. First one had 21, I have 13 left from that clutch. Kept them communally most of their lives. I always want more.
I used to live in Alabama, there were scorpions everywhere and I enjoyed keeping them. One of them surprised me by having babies the day after capture. Unfortunately, I didn't know what crickets were capable of and all of the baby scorpions were lost to those evil insects. But on the whole my scorpion-keeping adventures were pretty successful. Eventually I released them. I haven't seen a wild scorpion since we left AL, or I would definitely still keep them.
That's too bad about the youngsters. I'm feeding them tiny crickets that don't stand a chance. There are no scorpions here, but I think there's a species in southern alberta by the US/CAN border. It would be cool to see scorpions in the wild.
Great beginner scorpion species! I have two males living together communally. They are the only scorps/T's I would risk that with. They are very docile. Once in awhile I will find them laying together in one of the caves. Nothing cooler than an all black scorpion. Enjoy.
Yeah, mines def feisty as hell...but mines not an Emperor, how is it's temperament? My Asian Forest Scorpion looks like an Emperor, jet black, awesome, but man she's aggressive.
She is mean if you put your hand by her she will sting you. Tried to tell people i wasnt stiking my hand in there she had her tail up. So they did and the monnet they did got stung. So she is not like most of her kind.
Yeah, mines def feisty as hell...but mines not an Emperor, how is it's temperament? My Asian Forest Scorpion looks like an Emperor, jet black, awesome, but man she's aggressive.
Yeah I miss my Rose. And the biting i was ready for when I got it so i havnt been bite yet. Hoping no time soon, but cage update is soon so I have to get into its borrow so we will see.
Your Rose was cool, wild personality. My Scorpion is turning out to be the kicking water in its dish type, lol. GL with the cage cleaning, I have yet to be bit or stung...I hope it never happens. Im not afraid of it, Im more afraid of just being startled.