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I have 3 juvies in a 10 gallon with tons of sub. Never had any issues. I know quite a few people that keep more in less space; But I think 3 in a ten is plenty.
They're pretty much never visible; But make interesting web funnels. Like a Chilo/Baboon Hybrid lol
Cool. Do your burrow at all, or do they just build silk tunnels?
I have 11 tiny slings, about 3i. I have them in a container the measures 5x5" at the top, 4x4" at the base, and is 3.25" high I put 2" of sub into it and placed several dried leaves (cleaned and disinfected) for hiding places. All 11 moved in under the same leaf together; it is about 1" long and .5" wide.
I placed 3 squished B dubia nymphs in the enclosure last night after housing them and today they are all gone. I added 4 more tonight.
As they grow and I can ID males I will pull them out and eventually leave the females behind in a 20gal long.