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L. violaceopes: Need any advice/wisdom


3 Year Member
Lockport New York
I don't understand the statement about excessive bothering,who said it was okay ? or mentioned excessively bothering ? Or was it just your point of view ? The point was they are not docile,nor defensive they are aggressive. I never condone handling,prodding or continuous bothering of any specimen so we do agree on that fully. This Tarantula will move forward even if the cage door is just opened,someone on another forum then said that is defensive but was proved otherwise by the meaning of the word aggressive.
my last comment wasnt directed toward u or anyone speciffically i just ment in general. on another forum i see people all the time talking about my t isnt moving around so i keep prodding itand other things to that affect. sorry if i ticked u off...

Martin Oosthuysen

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South Africa, Free State Bloemfontein
my last comment wasnt directed toward u or anyone speciffically i just ment in general. on another forum i see people all the time talking about my t isnt moving around so i keep prodding itand other things to that affect. sorry if i ticked u off...
Haha no you didn't,I was scared of an incorrect reply. Also,I agree fully with you on that. I have even posted videos here of how people treat their tarantulas on YouTube,no shame at all even showing fights.

I apologise if I came across as being angry,I was just unhappy at the thought someone suggested that. Since I will never ever allow that,I respect every specimen I have and some way more than others.


3 Year Member
Lockport New York
Haha no you didn't,I was scared of an incorrect reply. Also,I agree fully with you on that. I have even posted videos here of how people treat their tarantulas on YouTube,no shame at all even showing fights.

I apologise if I came across as being angry,I was just unhappy at the thought someone suggested that. Since I will never ever allow that,I respect every specimen I have and some way more than others.
im glad someone other then myself sees how some people (nobody on here so far) treat their animals. Ts are beautiful creatures and whenever i see somebody excessively bugging their t i just tell em how would u like it if i sat here and proded at you all day lol

Martin Oosthuysen

Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
South Africa, Free State Bloemfontein
im glad someone other then myself sees how some people (nobody on here so far) treat their animals. Ts are beautiful creatures and whenever i see somebody excessively bugging their t i just tell em how would u like it if i sat here and proded at you all day lol
Haha,you will never get an argument from me on that topic. I love my T's,no matter size price or color.


Active Member
3 Year Member
South Florida
Tarantulas don't go out of their way to attack humans. They will only bite if they feel threatened. If you think otherwise then I think you've watched Arachnophobia (great movie btw) Too many times.

Tarantula's interpretation of being 'threatened' may mean the owner who's doing cage maintenance. None of them are thrilled about intruders, as in the wild that can lead to a quick death.


Active Member
3 Year Member
South Florida
im glad someone other then myself sees how some people (nobody on here so far) treat their animals. Ts are beautiful creatures and whenever i see somebody excessively bugging their t i just tell em how would u like it if i sat here and proded at you all day lol

That applies to handling too. Nothing in the wild picks them up unless it's going to eat them.


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3 Year Member
Baltimore MD
Years ago, I had an unidentified bird eating spider from South America (guessing it was related to T. blondi but was solid black (black as in EVIL). This was long before there was good info available in the hobby. That spider would attack ANYTHING. Even people simply walking past the tank caused the spider to go into a defensive stand. Nastiest animal I have ever owned. Got it from a pet shop wholesaler so was wild caught most likely but probably abused for quite some time before I ever owned it. Sad. So, I believe T's are like people. They do experience common behaviors by species but there are extreme examples of personality within the group. So, I always error in caution.

Are you sure it was new world? They description matches H minax Thai black, possibly.


Well-Known Member
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3 Year Member
Baltimore MD
I have a gorgeous H. minax in my collection. Definitely was a new world. No burrowing behavior. Was comfortable being front and center. May forever be a mystery to me.

Here's the wrinkle to it. You can't burrow without substrate. If someone only put in 1 inch of substrate or none, no burrow.

A pet store that sells them keeps all the spiders on paper towels even Cobalt blues. They put cups over them each day and slide in new paper towels right under their feet.

I guess you can't sell something in a burrow!!

When I donated my scorplings because I couldn't keep them all, I got to watch them go through the routine.

They practically begged me to buy some mystery one that the entire staff was afraid of. I declined. They even offered it to me as long as I purchased the cage!! I politely declined again. I did get to look at it.... carefully.

They called it a Chinese earth tiger, but said it would hide in the underside of the lid and try to bite.

A collector had donated his collection to the store after I donated my scorplings.

I have no idea why a pet store sells 4x more OW then sensible new world ones. Last time I went there, they even had both a male and female Cobalt.

The rest were baboons except for the Asian tiger, which was some sort of haplo.

There was one lowly A Metallica, 3".

I'm referring to Rick's fish and pet in Frederick MD.

Denny Dee

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3 Year Member
Yep. I came from the pet shop industry so know all the horror stories. And I worked for one of the better ones. Lack of knowledge fueled also by a lack of training the sales associates. There are always exceptions but generally they are sold as novelty items with no consideration for long term care. My T lasted 2 years under my care before I had to give her away due to continually moving around. She had plenty of substrate btw in my enclosure. Again, this was a LONG time ago as I was still in college.