Are you a Tarantula hobbyist? If so, we invite you to join our community! Once you join you'll be able to post messages, upload pictures of your pets and enclosures and chat with other Tarantula enthusiasts. Sign up today!
Hey! I'm Tricia. I was reading a really old post from this lady who was having trouble with her dehydrated molting tarantula and I was trying to lend her some advice. When I joined, I realized it was a really old post.. so anyways, I'm just figuring out how to post and read different parts of this forum. But I'll try to keep up.. lol. I have a 12 year old female rose hair. I've had her since she was about a year old.. Rosalita. Nice to meet you all!!
So, I just realized that everyone has their own little link to their introduction.. I'm sorry for doing that intro on yours Matt!!! Oops!! I'll figure this whole thing out soon enough..