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Well, I'm new to the hobby and currently looking to make my first spider purchase. Done plenty of research stalking these forums and figured I would join.
Welcome! What species are you currently considering? My top recommendations for beginners are:
. Brachypelma albopilosum (Curly Hair tarantula)
. Brachypelma smithi (Mexican Red Knee)
. Euthalus sp yellow/Euthalus sp. red (Chilean Flame)
. Aphonopelma chalcodes (Desert Blond)
. Brachypelma emilia (Mexican Red Leg)
. Brachypelma boehmei (Mexican Fire Leg)
. Grammastola Pulchripes (Chaco Golden Knee)
. G.rosea/porteri (Chilean Rose Hair)
I'd also recommend Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens (Green Bottle Blue) and Brachypelma vagans (Mexican Red Rump) if you don't plan on handling, since both can be pretty skittish and GBB's are a bit fast.
Don't let the speed surprise you. As far as beginners species go, GBB's are pretty quick, especially as slings. They're what I consider "fast" but they can move in short bursts of speed. That's why I personally recommend them as a second tarantula.