Way to go dear, it's good that you let it out and vent a bit - Most of us know already that you're not the culprit and I'm pretty sure that I'm speaking for all of us when saying that we fully understand that sometimes that §hit needs to be vented out.
Since I'm from Finland, I have never had a chance to purchase from Casey, but I have no doubts on her. She has been very transparent with the whole thing, so if some dimwits are stupid enough to wait for 2 years before before seeing that their "G. pulchra" is curly as heck, it on themselves.
And being totally honest, I wasn't too fond on Casey when I first found this forum. But that's my own little problem - I'm sometimes way too prejudiced and Casey's humor felt a bit weird for me at first. Until I realized that I'm actually very similar, lol! Do I agree with her every single time? No, not at all. But that's not lack of respecting her opinions and strong knowledge - Unlike that utter bull§hit of her ruining G. pulchra line
Since I'm from Finland, I have never had a chance to purchase from Casey, but I have no doubts on her. She has been very transparent with the whole thing, so if some dimwits are stupid enough to wait for 2 years before before seeing that their "G. pulchra" is curly as heck, it on themselves.
And being totally honest, I wasn't too fond on Casey when I first found this forum. But that's my own little problem - I'm sometimes way too prejudiced and Casey's humor felt a bit weird for me at first. Until I realized that I'm actually very similar, lol! Do I agree with her every single time? No, not at all. But that's not lack of respecting her opinions and strong knowledge - Unlike that utter bull§hit of her ruining G. pulchra line