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@sym I'd love one, it's on my wish list too, but I can't really afford it as well as the pulchripes . Thank you for the offer though.
If I should disappear for a day or two, it's not me. York is suffering severe flooding, we're on Severe Flood Warning where I live and we've just found out that the main telephone exchange in York centre has been affected and is running on a generator so it is possible we may lose phone and broadband at some point. I have already moved most of my Ts upstairs just in case.
@sym Thanks. The problem here is that because the flood barrier failed the water in the Ouse flows back up the Foss and the Beck in our village gets water backing up from the Foss. Luckily it didn't reach us so we can breathe again for a couple of days until the next lot of rain is forecast.
If you still have the Euathlus sp red I might be tempted
That last post of mine I wrote last night but just as I posted it the internet went off, luckily it saved it and I posted it this evening when we eventually got the net back. The Beck did over flow but I don't think any houses were flooded as there is a fairly wide green on either side of it. The danger was if it came up too far and flooded the gardens behind us. We also have a cricket field opposite us which tends to flood and drain onto the road outside us.
My little Cyriocosmus elegans, Mendo, has been with me exactly 9 months and in that time I have only seen it when I rehoused it 3 months ago. 10 days ago a small hole appeared in the surface of the substrate and a little exo was pushed out, Mendo had moulted. Last night I spotted this....
At last a photo of my Christmas T, the little Neostenotarsus sp Suriname, Kalina, that my son bought me. Looking at those legs I think it may have moulted.
This little fur ball has been with me for 4 months and this is the most I've seen of it since it came. Food disappears very quickly and there has been lots of holes made, building work done and some webbing, also 2 moults but no sign of Kofi until the last 2 days.