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Does anyone else feel this way?


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When I have a tarantula pass, I don't really get very emotional about it. I'm just more bummed out than upset. When my P.regalis passed, I was definitely very dissapointed but I wasn't hysterical or anything. My reaction was more like "Darn, I really liked that tarantula." I guess this might give off the impression that perhaps I don't care a whole lot for my tarantulas, which is false, however I just don't get emotionally attached to them the way a I do with cats or dogs or animals I'd consider true pets. I don't really consider my tarantulas my "pets", they're more just display animals I enjoy keeping because I find them interesting. If you disagree with me that's totally fine.


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As I wrote in the Molting support thread, I think I'm in the process of losing my P. metallica sling (its still on its back after more than 24 hours, I keep it hydrated, warm and dark, so not much else I can do. It's not been well for weeks/since its last molt). I'm upset, but more disappointed in myself, beating myself up about what I could have done wrong, although I know I've stuck to the care guides and it was fine until its last molt. Plus, it's one I really wanted to see grow into an adult. Maybe it just wasn't meant to live...
Anyway, when my favourite rat developed terminal congenital heart failure and she was at the stage where she started to suffer (she died the night before she was supposed to be pts), I cried myself to sleep nearly every night, knowing the inevitable was coming (she knew, too, cos she always wanted to be carried around by me, gather up all her strength to leap out into my arms, when I opened her cage to give her her medicine). Even writing this I well up, although it's 2 years ago. It was a bit easier when her half sister had to be pts (same problem), but she was more aloof with people. The 3rd and last rat was hard again, because being kept inappropriately in a pet shop, she was a runt and had health problems all through her life, yet she fought on. She didn't like/trust anybody but me and her pack, so she had a special place in my heart.
My German Shepherd will be 10 in November and although, despite his health problems (HD, arthritis) he's not slowing down. Still, I know that 10 is old for a GSD and I will have to deal with the day when I have to let him go. I cannot even contemplate this idea yet. If it makes me cry now, when it's only a thought, I know, I will be inconsolable when the day comes. He's my soul pet.


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@Fuzzball79 . Nice write up there :)
Always hard losing a pet.. I think it's a fantastic feeling knowing you connect with it before it passes...


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I have had a couple reptiles and spiders in my day. But when they pass i am like chubbs said, a little bummed but thats the way it goes...such is life. But when i have a dog die it is a lot different. They show affection...makes it harder when they go.

"don't take life too seriously, you can't make it out alive."


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