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C. versicolor Sling enclosure help


New Member
Hey fellow Tarantula keepers,

recently I got my first aboreal T as a sling. I'm keeping 2 terrestial T's currently (1 B. hamorii (ex. smithi) at 6cm length and 1 G. pulchripes that I got as a sling who's grown to 2,5cm)

I'm not really sure what enclosure is optimal for a C. versicolor sling. Currently I've got it in a round deli cup with small ventilation holes around it. But I want to get an enclosure where I can see the sling better and that's more optimal for it. I've read they need good cross ventilation. So my question is would you consider this enclosure as optimal? Or should I look for something else?



Active Member
3 Year Member
I'd say that that enclosure will work well. Maybe an inch of sub, a little slap of cork bark, and some plants or vines at the top, and you should be good to go. Just remember not to keep it too humid unless it's (the sling) still shiny thus being that the exo skeleton isn't completely formed and will need to be kept with some moisture. Also keep a small water dish.


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1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
Norwich, UK
My versicolour is in, what I intended to be a temporary enclosure. It is a commercially made glass cube, with a 3/4 inch air vent across the back. So it has less air circulation that what you have linked to. I put my sling into my glass enclosure last September, after I brought both at the Bedford Invert show. It is now close to outgrowing the enclosure.

So, from personal experience, I would say the enclosure you linked to is going to do fine, as it has better circulation than mine. But you could always add a couple of small holes in the top, if you really wanted to make sure.

Edited to add my glass enclosure has a slightly loose fitting glass lid, so has a very small amount of air circulation possible via that too. But it is still less than what you are looking at. But as I said, a few small holes drilled in the top would add to the circulation potential.


Active Member
Bottom open enclosures make it more of a hassle to feed slings. The chance of them bolting up or messing up its web a bit when opening is not enough to justify using a bottom open enclosure in my experience. If they bolt, they run in sprints and they aren't so fast as to be hard to catch. They will fix their webbing and its no problem to them. Versicolor will sometimes web uneaten food to leaves, which may be difficult for you to retrieve from a bottom open enclosure. Feeders will be able to escape from a bottom open enclosure if you aren't quick enough.

Deli cups work much better and they are cheaper.

That said, a lot of people use that specific enclosure you linked and like it. The only way to know if you will like it is by trying it.


Well-Known Member
L.F.O.D. 603 1312ACAB
Bottom open enclosures make it more of a hassle to feed slings. The chance of them bolting up or messing up its web a bit when opening is not enough to justify using a bottom open enclosure in my experience. If they bolt, they run in sprints and they aren't so fast as to be hard to catch. They will fix their webbing and its no problem to them. Versicolor will sometimes web uneaten food to leaves, which may be difficult for you to retrieve from a bottom open enclosure. Feeders will be able to escape from a bottom open enclosure if you aren't quick enough.

Deli cups work much better and they are cheaper.

That said, a lot of people use that specific enclosure you linked and like it. The only way to know if you will like it is by trying it.
I agree
I have bottom open enclosures, and it is a bit difficult to feed them. I have a nice long pair of tongs so it makes it a bit easier but still kind of a pain

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