Do you have any thoughts on this Lacy act
Do you have any thoughts on this Lacy act
This is all old news except the backdooring of the act. I wrote both of my Senators and my House Representative.Do you have any thoughts on this Lacy act
So I've found most people I speak to haven't even heard of the Lacey Act. I'm not getting to worked up. Que sera sera. But I am taking some small initiative to spread information. I have 5 pet shops in my general area and have already spoken to the employees at one encouraging them to look into the Lacey Act and how it may effect their business if it passes. 4 to go.
So I've found most people I speak to haven't even heard of the Lacey Act. I'm not getting to worked up. Que sera sera. But I am taking some small initiative to spread information. I have 5 pet shops in my general area and have already spoken to the employees at one encouraging them to look into the Lacey Act and how it may effect their business if it passes. 4 to go.
Let's go Brandon!Make tarantulas great again. I didn't vote for Biden.
This, 1000%Don't throw in the towel…
Don't give up.
Just moved last year...not one person searched or knew I had 200 plus tarantulas in my trailer. Just like my guns, no one is going to come knocking on my door for either. Nothing , not even some back door law is going to stop me or make me weak and crumble. I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing regardless. Write your representatives.I could post my thoughts here, but I don’t want to type it all out again, but though we may be able to keep what we have until further notice, but in general the bill effectively kills the hobby in the US as a whole.
Because I do intend to move out of state eventually. Other than what I have already, I am officially out of the hobby for now.
Don't throw in the towel. It's like when a level 1 trauma rolls in who looks beyond hope, or a stable patient who came in for nausea suddenly codes... you don't just stand there. You put on your big girl panties (or your game face fellas) and you do all that you can.
Talk to people, friends, family, coworkers, neighbors, the person in line next to you at the store. Use social media, if you're on any of them. Write letters. Make flyers and pass them out in front of exotic pet shops. Go inside and talk to the employees. Collect signatures on a petition.
Realize and accept that what you do may not change the outcome, but it also just might.
Complacency is different than acceptance. It allows bad things to happen.
We all react differently.
My stress response is binge buying.
This hobby has provided my with hours of relaxation in just the few months I've been involved. It has given me a creative outlet, and helped me conquer a debilitating fear.
Don't give up.
I don't say this to upset anyone. It is meant as encouragement and support. In the end, what will be will be. But I plan to be able to say that I tried to make a difference.