I just would like to see people's setups and maybe say how exactly they water them, alot of people say avicularia is very hard species to raise from sling so I am curious how people manage to raise themI'm sure many of us have kept Avic slings. What do you need help with specifically?
Thank you so much for reply how long is too long for water to completely dry out? its actually good way to test the ventilation, its a great trick to tell if you have required ventilation for aviculariaIME the challenging part is providing adequate ventilation but also humidity. Don't overthink it. Get an enclosure made for Ts. Set it up and start watering it. See how long it takes to fully dry out. Do all of this set up and planning BEFORE you get the sling.
I don't think avic slings are that much harder than the usual but people tend to overdo it. Just be patient and stick to your plan. Use equipment made for Ts. You'll be fine!
which substrate you personally like with avicularia slings? do you have any pictures of avicularia sling setups? would like to see how you do them so I can just use your method for raising the sling aviculariathere is no too long. and it will change depending on the season, your geographic location, substrate choice, location of enclosure, etc the list goes on. the point is to set something up so you can start observing. after you observe then you can make adjustments to accommodate the sling