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Apopyphis or Blondi ?


omaha, nebraska, usa
sorry for the all the repeated questions...im kind of a slow learner.
ive been trying to boil this down to easiest terms so I can remember it.
if I got it right.....
  • if there is hair ON the patella , it is a blondi
  • if no hair on the patella, it is an apop

Casey K.

Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
sorry for the all the repeated questions...im kind of a slow learner.
ive been trying to boil this down to easiest terms so I can remember it.
if I got it right.....
  • if there is hair ON the patella , it is a blondi
  • if no hair on the patella, it is an apop

Yes...and the hairs are much more prominent on a T. blondi....they are "fluffier".

Casey K.

Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
thanks, I somehow had it backwards thinking the apops were the fluffy ones. is there an easy way to tell a stirmi from a blondi of apop

When they are slings, it's easy to tell the difference.

T. Blondi - no pink feet
T. Apophysis - all feet are pink
T. Stirmi- only the first 4 feet are pink


Blondi - hair starts on the patella and goes all the way down the leg. They are fluffier.

Stirmi- hair isn't very prominent

Apophysis - hair starts under the patella and the femurs are purple when you shine a light on them.


omaha, nebraska, usa
When they are slings, it's easy to tell the difference.

T. Blondi - no pink feet
T. Apophysis - all feet are pink
T. Stirmi- only the first 4 feet are pink


Blondi - hair starts on the patella and goes all the way down the leg. They are fluffier.

Stirmi- hair isn't very prominent

Apophysis - hair starts under the patella and the femurs are purple when you shine a light on them.
perfect, thanks again ! I think I got it now


omaha, nebraska, usa
When they are slings, it's easy to tell the difference.
T. Blondi - no pink feet
T. Apophysis - all feet are pink
T. Stirmi- only the first 4 feet are pink

Blondi - hair starts on the patella and goes all the way down the leg. They are fluffier.
Stirmi- hair isn't very prominent
Apophysis - hair starts under the patella and the femurs are purple when you shine a light on them.
do you know where I can find info similar the info you gave here but for brachypelmas ?


omaha, nebraska, usa
true, but if everybody google searched, or searched the forums first, then what would the point of this forum be? because there are no new or unique questions about t's to be asked. at this point everything is a repeat.
I am sure I can google it and find a bunch of them, then I have to go through them see which ones might be accurate, peer reviewed, etc...,., where im hoping maybe somebody here has already done that and can say "sure, I like this one.."


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
true, but if everybody google searched, or searched the forums first, then what would the point of this forum be? because there are no new or unique questions about t's to be asked. at this point everything is a repeat.
I am sure I can google it and find a bunch of them, then I have to go through them see which ones might be accurate, peer reviewed, etc...,., where im hoping maybe somebody here has already done that and can say "sure, I like this one.."
Not exactly what you're looking for but you might find this interesting,
Something I might add to this thread at a later date.


omaha, nebraska, usa
Not exactly what you're looking for but you might find this interesting,
Something I might add to this thread at a later date

thanks Ill check it ou

Casey K.

Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
true, but if everybody google searched, or searched the forums first, then what would the point of this forum be? because there are no new or unique questions about t's to be asked. at this point everything is a repeat.
I am sure I can google it and find a bunch of them, then I have to go through them see which ones might be accurate, peer reviewed, etc...,., where im hoping maybe somebody here has already done that and can say "sure, I like this one.."
No, i mean if you click where it says Google search, it's a link. That's why it's in "orange" instead of black.


omaha, nebraska, usa
When they are slings, it's easy to tell the difference.

T. Blondi - no pink feet
T. Apophysis - all feet are pink
T. Stirmi- only the first 4 feet are pink

Blondi - hair starts on the patella and goes all the way down the leg. They are fluffier.
Stirmi- hair isn't very prominent
Apophysis - hair starts under the patella and the femurs are purple when you shine a light on them.
(I think I have finally got this)
I bought this as a stirmi sling but I think it is an apop.
A: hair starts under the patella/on the tibia (this tells me it's not a blondi)
B: hair is prominant (tells me it's not a stirmi)

do I got it ?


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