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You got good taste my friend but you're partially biting off of Kenny :D.


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Tarantula Club Member
To be honest, I kinda have a resentment towards them because I can't legally keep them in my country. All I can do is sit back and watch others who can keep them. Can't keep a species native to my own country, how ironic. I'm so jealous of you all who have OBTs.
They're not all they're cracked up to be... you ain't missing much


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
New york
To be honest, I kinda have a resentment towards them because I can't legally keep them in my country. All I can do is sit back and watch others who can keep them. Can't keep a species native to my own country, how ironic. I'm so jealous of you all who have OBTs.
Ah….but to be able to see one in the wild! That would be the best! I’m envious of you!


Staff member
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Tarantula Club Member
Norwich, UK
My favourites that we own.

Old World.
1. Selenocosmia crassipes. Australian, so new world for wine, but old world for T's.
2. Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli.
3. Cyriopagopus albostriatus.
4. Monocentropus balfouri
5. Cyriopagopus sp. Hati Hati

New world.
1. Phormictopus cancerides.
2. Theraphosa blondi.
3. Chaetopelma olivaceum.
4. Brachypelma albiceps
5. Aphonopelma chalcodes


Active Member
Tarantula Club Member
To be honest, I kinda have a resentment towards them because I can't legally keep them in my country. All I can do is sit back and watch others who can keep them. Can't keep a species native to my own country, how ironic. I'm so jealous of you all who have OBTs.

Well, in some kind of sympathy, we don't have too many tarantulas wandering about here, but I think practically everything native is illegal to keep or even disturb anyway. (Keep schtum when I go sneaking about for Glomeris and rosey woodlice in the spring, willya?)

In addition, CITES has thrown up a wall between Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK. I had hoped to restock with some pokies, brachypelma and tlitocatl species for round two of tarantula keeping, but that's all up in the air 'til I can figure out who pays the over-the-counter bribes.

Anyway, I'm too long out of it and not back in enough to provide a serious list for this topic. ATM my new world list will look something like my old world list.

1. Grammostola iheringi
2. Grammostola iheringi
3. Grammostola iheringi
4. Grammostola you get the idea with that.


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
Rahway, NJ
To be honest, I kinda have a resentment towards them because I can't legally keep them in my country. All I can do is sit back and watch others who can keep them. Can't keep a species native to my own country, how ironic. I'm so jealous of you all who have OBTs.
That is quite ironic my friend and I'm sorry to hear this. Unfortunately, it is not understood by governing authorities that there are honest to goodness people out there that love tarantulas and would be willing to sacrifice whatever it took to keep them out of danger and to enlarge the population. But due to the ignorance of those who are destroying their environment and desecrating their population for selfish gain, this is the price we pay and the T's pay. Quite unfair and frustrating, but there are always loop holes my friend. Fight for the OBT!


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
Rahway, NJ
Well, in some kind of sympathy, we don't have too many tarantulas wandering about here, but I think practically everything native is illegal to keep or even disturb anyway. (Keep schtum when I go sneaking about for Glomeris and rosey woodlice in the spring, willya?)

In addition, CITES has thrown up a wall between Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK. I had hoped to restock with some pokies, brachypelma and tlitocatl species for round two of tarantula keeping, but that's all up in the air 'til I can figure out who pays the over-the-counter bribes.

Anyway, I'm too long out of it and not back in enough to provide a serious list for this topic. ATM my new world list will look something like my old world list.

1. Grammostola iheringi
2. Grammostola iheringi
3. Grammostola iheringi
4. Grammostola you get the idea with that.
Point established :T:

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