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I went into a pet sore and they had this one tarantula that had apparently been there for awile. Part of the problem is that it was unlabeled for a long time. The other was that they "didnt know it was going to be mean". They gave it to me for free to get it out of the store. They labeled it a...
A friend sent me a picture from a small mom and pop pet shop saying that they were not sure even what to put it as or how to price it. They have it labeled as a pamphobeteus sp flammifera but the slings that I see online look like they have darker legs and the pattern looks just a tad different...
Hey everyone! New member here! Thought the fourums could give me some insight on questions I might have being a new tarantula keeper. My first tarantula I bought from a pet store () was a Avicularia avicularia, pink toe. So the tag said. That was 8 months ago. Today I was in the pet store again...
i found this tarantula with long black legs and a shiny golden carapace when i was camping yesterday and i've never seen a species like this one does anyone know what species this tarantula is i only have a cell phone to take pics of it so this picture is the best i got of it right now. i also...
I'd been wanting to get a tarantula for a while and impulse bought a sling from a local pet store. It was labeled as 'Pink Toed Tarantula (Metallic)'.
To be honest I wasn't expecting to get a Pink Toe as my first and hadn't known what an adult looked like, but when I google the adult images...