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I have just realized I'm not really sure how old my Tliltocatl Albopilosus is. I got her in September as a 2.5" - 3" juvenile (or maybe sub-adult?), and now after one molt she is around 3.5". Is there a way to tell how old she is? I'm sure their growth rate depends on many different factors, but...
Hey guys. My first post. My first Tarantula. I don't know how to sex or age my Tarantula. I imagine more photos would be required to make this determintaiton, but the spider prefers to burrow. I purchased the spider three days ago.
i just got this tarantula today. I dont know the age or sex of the tarantula. How do i know how old it must be and is it close to molting?. The whole day it has been in a corner where it made web structures.
Hi my names Tom. I'm new to all this Tarantula stuff and was wondering you guys could help me out.
I recently purchased my Chilean rose hair last friday 6th october and I'm not sure how old she is? I've attached some photos so you can all see. Also, I don't know if her/his enclosure is to big...