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  1. Nemoq

    help identify please

    Hi can someone please help identify this spider
  2. Nemoq

    Molt question

    G.Pulchripes just had a good molt and now for the first time i see he has a that little hoop on his leg my question is , is he now fully mature and wont have any more molts ?
  3. Nemoq

    Lp in premolt

    Hi guys my lp is in premolt i think he has been refusing food for about two weeks now i just want to know how long do they more or less stay in premolt ? And sorry if the pic is bad i took it with my phone
  4. Nemoq

    Eupalaestras Campestratus and water

    Hi guys and girls i have a sling Eupalaestras Campestratus and it seems she loves water. I dpnt have a water dish in her enclosure because she buries it. I mist every day twice and she always sits on the spot where its wet. Is that normal? And it looks like she pounces to the spot where i mist...
  5. Nemoq

    any south african T owners

    Hey are there any T owners on this forum from south africa ?
  6. Nemoq

    Klugi sex help

    Hey guys my moms got a lasiodora klugi (sorry for spelling) and she wants some.help.swxing it hope you guys can help
  7. Nemoq

    T id please

    Eupalaestras Campestratus please confirm. I made a new thread because for some.reason i cant load pics on the old one.
  8. Nemoq

    Help identify this T

    I got this beauty as a gift and they say she is a Eupalaestras Campestratus could anyone confirm this please
  9. Nemoq

    Help sex my G.Pulchripes

    Hope you guys can help me sex my T. Cant wait to hear from you
  10. Nemoq

    Help identify please

    Hi i got a Eupalaestras Campestratus as a gift can you please confirm if it is this species hope you can see the pic properly
  11. Nemoq

    Need help please

    Hi guys I moved my grammastola pulchripes into a safer smaller home 3 days ago and he has been in the one corner of the tank 90% of the time and now he is webing the little tree is this normal or should I be concerned?
  12. Nemoq

    New home for Gambit

    Hi guys I recently movves gambit. From the mansion into a more secure home. What do you guys think?
  13. Nemoq

    My new friendfriend

    I am new here and just want to share with you guys a pic of my new T his/her name is gambit. My first T grammastola pulchripes. I got him her 4 days ago and was looking for a forum.to help me out hope this is the place
  14. Nemoq

    My First T

    Hi Everyone Ijust got my first T. Grammostola Pulchripes (hope spelling is correct). He/She is between 3-4 inches in size. Still a baby i think :). any advise on how i can keep my new buddy happy. I know the basics but i am very new to the hobby. wouls appreciate any help i can get.