Are you a Tarantula hobbyist? If so, we invite you to join our community! Once you join you'll be able to post messages, upload pictures of your pets and enclosures and chat with other Tarantula enthusiasts. Sign up today!
Hello everyone I'm currently looking for ideas for a school project. Would anyone be interested in a small social network catering to tarantula keepers? What features would you like to see?
Hello all!
I have a b. albo sling that has closed off it's burrow and molted. It's been in it's closed burrow for 2 weeks since its molted. What should I do? Dig it up and try to feed? Leave it alone until it resurfaces? In the past i've dug it up and rehoused it. But I don't want to stress it...
Hello everyone! I'm pretty new to the hobby and interested in getting slings (preferably beginner friendly species). Also, please be able to ship to CA.
Hey everyone! I've always been terrified of spiders. However, I've recently been fascinated with watching tarantula feeding videos on Youtube. So I've decided to get my first tarantula and overcome my fears. There's not that big of a selection of slings here in LA so I was wondering if anyone...