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Casey K.
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  • Casey - can you please give us a shipping quote to the FedEx shipping center at zip 29406? You can use Standard Overnight instead of Priority Overnight, as both services get tot he center at the same time.
    We're interested in the large lot pricing of the Grammastola pulchra.

    Thank you,
    Erik (& Amanda)
    Pinchers & Pokies Exotics, LLC
    PinchersNPokies@hotmail.com, or
    Hey how you doing @Casey K. I'm looking for a FEMALE Avicularia Urticans and a Male Poecilotheria Regalis and I was told you were the woman to talk to! PleAse tell me you can help me
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    Reactions: Casey K.
    Casey K.
    Casey K.
    I'm certain I can get the male regalis. Let me look into the urticans. Perhaps I can kill 2 birds with one stone. Does size on either of them matter? Do you need a MM? Get back to me soon so I know exactly what to look for. :) And thank whoever referred me. ;)
    caseyK, I was sent to you as a possible reference to see if you may have any Chilean Flame Rump Dwarf Ts for sale and if so , what sizes , ect. Email me personally at russhummel01@gmail.com
    I am wanting to find a female if possible. THANKS SO MUCH !
    hi, do you still have the ghost ornamental?
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    Reactions: Casey K.
    Casey K.
    Casey K.
    There are a couple left. :)
    do you know how much they would be plus shipping? im in NC
    Casey K.
    Casey K.
    They are $18 each. Express shipping is $25 live arrival guarantee (heat pack included).
    You only have one life to live. Live it to the fullest. Take chances. "I think I can" is overrated. Don't think. "Am" doing is the key.
    Hey there Casey! I still need that Pulchra, hold on to her for me! Just catching up financially, will give you a call soon. God bless you!BTW !Caliente! is doing quite well! She is a happy T :)
    I hope Fuoco is still there at the shop? I'm putting money to the side for her already. Holla at me Casey
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    Reactions: Casey K.
    Casey K.
    Casey K.
    Hi precious! Yes there are actually 2 of them there that are the same size. I will pick the biggest of the two for you. I read your e-mails but I've been too busy to respond. Today is "bill pay" day. A lot of running around and doing errands. :)
    I hear that, I been running around like a mad man myself! LOL I'm so glad to hear that and I'm looking forward to getting Fuoco I know she is gonna be a beaut! Thank you kindly for hitting me back even in the midst of your busy schedule I greatly appreciate it God bless you Casey!
    I noticed you aren't online, oh well, "stammi bene, Casey." Which means, in Italian: "Take care of yourself, Casey". Bye friend :)
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    Casey K.
    Casey K.
    Awwww....I do get on here often. I've been on a few times today. Had to pack & ship some tarantulas then bust my tail cleaning my house, lol. It's not messy, I just have ocd. So when it's "clean" to others, it's not clean enough for me, lol.
    Casey K.
    Casey K.
    Non mi piace mai addio. Ho solo dire ciao.
    I joined this site for curiosity, to be honest... then I noticed you, Thistles, VanessaS and others and couldn't resist to jump here :)
    I received as well a couple of warnings btw :) Lesson learned, I have to control my mouth, or avoid political threads, but I can't resist sometimes :-(
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    Casey K.
    Casey K.
    Yeah I need to learn how to behave, myself. People are different in this forum. Not many that will get you riled up and angry at them to make you feel like you HAVE to use profanity to get your point across because they piss you off so bad. Lol....I think that was a run-on.
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