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Casey K.
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  • I would like to see things from your point of view but I can't seem to get my head that far up your bum.
    Wondering what else I can do to piss my haters off.....thinking.....thinking......t-h-i-n-k-i-n-g.....
    Wow! You know, I'm used to looking in my PM's for all of my inquiries, lol. To all you folks that messaged me here; my sincere apollogies
    I just want to tell you that your hazel eyes are super pretty. Like a jaguar's eyes or something.
    Purely "untouchable". Haters keep hating cuz I'm gonna continue 2 succeed. 4 every step U try 2 drag me back, I take 3 steps forward.
    To anyone that has ever fallen behind on a "bill" in life, you have automatically been deemed a dishonest individual! Ha! Ha! Ha! :)
    Hi Casey where are u located I am very interested in the A, Seemani. And the B. Smithi oh you still have them my number is 3252071527 my name is Damian thanks!
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