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Aphonopelma steindachneri

Aphonopelma steindachneri

My perfect stunning San Ysidro Black.
Love that velvety look. I have to ask, how did your first experience with handling a T go? Did you find yourself in a situation where you had to put hands on it? I myself have never touched one and I'm not too keen on trying to come into contact with them unless I have no choice.
Love that velvety look. I have to ask, how did your first experience with handling a T go? Did you find yourself in a situation where you had to put hands on it? I myself have never touched one and I'm not too keen on trying to come into contact with them unless I have no choice.
eh i was never really scared by em, i limit handling simply to not stress them out.

generally i only handle if they wander around and want out or something. i get mad when i stress them out and they kick a chunk of their hairs out and get a big ole ugly bald spot XD
Love that velvety look. I have to ask, how did your first experience with handling a T go? Did you find yourself in a situation where you had to put hands on it? I myself have never touched one and I'm not too keen on trying to come into contact with them unless I have no choice.
I love this question. I don't mind putting my hands in his enclosure. But I don't pick him up. You didn't ask me but I just wanted to share that I feel a lot the same way you do.

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