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Rainbow grasshopper nymph
What enclosure do you use for a colony. I imagine it would have to be quite big. I remember seeing the Florida grasshopper and they were huge as adults.
What enclosure do you use for a colony. I imagine it would have to be quite big. I remember seeing the Florida grasshopper and they were huge as adults.
Theyre medium sized, about 3" max

Behave more like a lubber. Melanoplids dont really wander around. They spend 99% of their time just perched on something. They dont have to be fast or jumpy because nothing bothers them. They eat alot of baccharis so theyre quite toxic
What enclosure do you use for a colony. I imagine it would have to be quite big. I remember seeing the Florida grasshopper and they were huge as adults.
I use a plastic cereal box. I soldered a bunch of cross ventilation and added sand. I recently bought some cat grass for them and just put the whole thing in with em. They seem to like it alot

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