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Edrotes ventricosus

Edrotes ventricosus

A cute little tenebrionid native throughout deserts in the southwest. larvae feed on roots, adults feed on grasses and amaranths
Is that setae I see on the beetle? That is so cute! Are there any other beetles that have the "hair"?
Is that setae I see on the beetle? That is so cute! Are there any other beetles that have the "hair"?
yes, very fuzzy. they also stridulate when touched. they're tough to culture, apparently.

eleodes osculans is an even fuzzier beetle. i have easy access to those, perhaps i should culture them..
yes, very fuzzy. they also stridulate when touched. they're tough to culture, apparently.

eleodes osculans is an even fuzzier beetle. i have easy access to those, perhaps i should culture them..

I think its the cutest thing because I've never seen a beetle with "hair" or is it called "setae" like tarantulas?

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