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Think it's in pre-molt...

Think it's in pre-molt...

Refused a cricket, was spinning more web recently, didn't move too much when I opened the lid to the enclosure, and a big fat butt. I'm thinking it will molting soon.
@Mvtt70 Thanks. I's always encouraging to get second opinions from other keepers. It kinda started acting that way about 2 weeks before it's last molt. I'm just going to keep its water dish full and lay off the feeding until it molts. I'll try feeding it about a week after it finally does. Any suggestions or tips are always appreciated!
@spodermin No powerfeeding, just 1 small to medium-size cricket fed every 5-7 days. Enclosure stays at room temperature (approx 68-74 degrees, depending on how hot the day is... my A/C is in a window in another room, so it never gets very hot or cold where I keep my T.) Thanks for the advice!

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