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New profile posts

New to the Hobby, Surprised by Hubby this Christmas with a Green Bottle Blue. appears to be a Juvenile. so I will be looking to learn as much as I can..
Hubby is not one that cares for Tarantula's so this was a Huge surprise & Loving every minute of it.
Hi, are these tarantulas still available? I am really interested. Thanks.
I am in Los Angeles and I can pick them up.
Give up only if there's no hope in sight, but if there's no hope in sight, then you must be blind...
Some may think tarantulas are primitive but it may be your understanding is limited...
Working out rocks, i wish i got hooked on this earlier, but i was too depressed thanks to all the miserable sad-sacks in my life.

I have pecs now :D
We had a family emergency a few days ago and im still resting after a bunch of hard work so i'm really slow to reply, sorry if ive yet to reply i just need to take it easy for a week or so.

sorry again.
I want to thank all of the kind people that are on this forum, I appreciate your encouragement and support. Much love
There's nothing like bonding with your T's, you have to love them to feel me..
I love you all, even you knuckleheads tryna game me, i love you too. Love is so much better than hate.
Hello, hey bro, can you pass me the link of your sales website? or send me a private message I would like to buy you some arachnids
speaking seriously
Casey K.
Casey K.
Speak the truth! I have been working on my anger/hatred as of late and I must say that positive energy is so much better than negative energy. :)
Your mindset can make you or break you, a little bit of leaven will leaven up the whole batch of dough...
If there's levels to this then I take it that breeding is upper echelon...
It's really just common sense. WC stuff is often infested with nasty parasitoids that lay dormant for up to a decade before suddenly you find your tarantula dead with a gross huge pupa sitting next to it lol. I went to a portion of arizona that got tons of rain and every black widow we collected had a smallheaded fly in it, one of the olios we got had one too.
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That's exactly why I steer clear of wild caught because of the track record of parasitical infestation that commonly occurs. All of my tarantulas and spiders are CB. I don't think there are levels to this I agree that simple.common sense along with practical knowledge, and care is all you need to succeed as a keeper. :beer: