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Where do the CB tarantulas come from?


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I was hoping to get some insight into where the CB tarantulas we see available come from.

I am sure from many places but Germany consistently comes up in conversations I have seen. I am not sure where the United States and other countries fit in terms of breeding programs.

And anyone know about breeding programs in places like Chile that have restricted/curtailed exporting of wild caught Ts? I would think that raising tarantulas there could provide some economic and environmental benefits.

Just curious.


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From my very limited knowledge, you are correct about places in Europe such as Germany being responsible for many captive breedings. I heard recently that Mexico has a good influx of breedings going on. As for the US, I am not sure right now. The US seems to be a mixed bag. The only things you seem to hear about are T. seladonia and state restricted Poecilatheria breedings. I feel like I’m the only one trying to make an effort to breed more US species in order to eliminate the need for wild caught specimens, which seem to make up most of the US price lists, which is a shame.

I think I heard about programs going on somewhere in South and central America, but I could be thinking of something else entirely. As for Chile in particular, maybe @plessey or @Todd Gearheart could chime in.


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In the US, Aphonopelma are often WC. There are only a few other species in the US that exist in nature, so the rest of the US species are CB. Panzo, Casey K, Arachnoclown, Octane and others on this site are breeding in the US. Add FearNot, Jamie, Swifts, Netbug, Pinchers and Pokies, arachnoiden, and other internet vendors are also breeding. Hope this helps.


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Great thanks PanzoN88 and Wolfspider. It helps. Was just idle curiosity.

Anyone thoughts about which country is largest exporter of tarantulas and largest importer?

I am guessing any statistics about the international tarantula trade aren't easily accessible and I for one am not THAT curious to want to dig it up. But it might be interesting.


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In the US, Aphonopelma are often WC. There are only a few other species in the US that exist in nature, so the rest of the US species are CB. Panzo, Casey K, Arachnoclown, Octane and others on this site are breeding in the US. Add FearNot, Jamie, Swifts, Netbug, Pinchers and Pokies, arachnoiden, and other internet vendors are also breeding. Hope this helps.
Unrelated, off topic question: is netbug even still around??????

Great thanks PanzoN88 and Wolfspider. It helps. Was just idle curiosity.

Anyone thoughts about which country is largest exporter of tarantulas and largest importer?

I am guessing any statistics about the international tarantula trade aren't easily accessible and I for one am not THAT curious to want to dig it up. But it might be interesting.
if it is exporting I would bet that Germany is the most likely. Importing I’d guess it’s really a toss up between the US and Canada.


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The Oregon rain forest
The U.S. has too many laws restricting things now, Germany is more laid back. Currently there's way more breeding going on in the U.S. then being imported for sure. If its here its being bred. When there is a import the breeders are grabbing the rare exotics for new projects.


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Unrelated, off topic question: is netbug even still around??????

if it is exporting I would bet that Germany is the most likely. Importing I’d guess it’s really a toss up between the US and Canada.
Net-bug is still online and back in April I had contacted them with a question and they got back to me.


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Great thanks PanzoN88 and Wolfspider. It helps. Was just idle curiosity.
Thanks for the mentions, but there are many more breeding on this site alone than mentioned, and on a much smaller scale than some not on this forum. Tarantulas have become a big business/side hustle.

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