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What to do when you have a T bite?


Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Baltimore MD
Yep, it's a classic.

Meanwhile, I cleaned my pokie's cage with my P straita inside. I ripped out the filthy web and even removed the water dish. He was physically in the middle of it. I've done this a gizallion times before.

Guess what?

He just waited patiently for me to get done in the corner. After all, that's what the long tongs are good for!!

I posted that elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Outside San Antonio, TX
Yep, it's a classic.

Meanwhile, I cleaned my pokie's cage with my P straita inside. I ripped out the filthy web and even removed the water dish. He was physically in the middle of it. I've done this a gizallion times before.

Guess what?

He just waited patiently for me to get done in the corner. After all, that's what the long tongs are good for!!

I posted that elsewhere.
Lol, I saw that. He's a very well behaved poeci. I have to catchcup my metallica, or she'll exit the enclosure, usually by way of my arm. The big regalis female will go in her cork tube and stay, but in a threat pose. She's not bad, but not cooperative either. Yours was a sweetheart.


Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Baltimore MD
Lol, I saw that. He's a very well behaved poeci. I have to catchcup my metallica, or she'll exit the enclosure, usually by way of my arm. The big regalis female will go in her cork tube and stay, but in a threat pose. She's not bad, but not cooperative either. Yours was a sweetheart.

Yes, he's a great little guy. He's still not mature, way to small to breed and not even close to getting there yet.

The slower I move, the slower the spider moves. I just move real slow. Perhaps I just put him to sleep with boredom.

My versicolor on the other hand is a spaz, and my first T ever, drove me bananas at times. Larger enclosures with multiple hiding places therein lead to positive decisions by said spastic tarantulas.

Patrick cage 4.jpg


Well-Known Member
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3 Year Member
Baltimore MD
We do have to be aware of the issue with possible secondary infections,
they can lie semi dormant then rampage quickly throughout your system with devastating results.
Lost my sister two years ago to sepsis and my mother less then a month ago. Again, sepsis that they somehow 'missed'
I'm not however an alarmist, cat bites can and do, do the same thing but I'm not getting rid of my cats or my arachnids.

Any puncture wound from a source such as spider fangs can and often will cause a serious infection,
Best bet is be aware and take precautions.
Scrub the wound well and use a topical antibiotic, then keep using it!!
You want the wound to stay soft and open for any drainage of possible infection.
And 'if' you have any signs of infection take your a$$ to the doctor :p
Common sense folks, we are supposed to be smarter then the spiders are !

I would honestly think most keepers should have researched this already?
basic treatment link below

So get a tetanus shot I guess.


Well-Known Member
In case of spoderbit apply first aid. Do not cut the skin, do not drain any fluid. Simply flush the area for about a minute. Let dry and wrap in a bandage if you think it's necessary. Take Benadryl. Walk it off. I'm certified for first aid, CPR, and AED with the AHA.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't go to the hospital for any of them, personally. There's no point really, unless it's one of the rougher old world species and you want some muscle relaxers. If it ever happens to me, I plan on just taking a fever/pain reducer like aspirin or ibuprofen and documenting it. It may hurt like a bastard, but it's not gonna kill me. For someone really young, or rather old, or with medical problems, it's a different story.
What counts as "really young"?


Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Outside San Antonio, TX
What counts as "really young"?
I'd be concerned about babies or toddlers getting bitten by an old world t. Just because they're small. An adult with severe pain, mild breathing difficulty, severe cramps, etc is one thing. An infant or child is another thing altogether. They have less body mass, a weaker immune system, are more prone to infection..all of that would worry me. Good thing I don't have kids ;)

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