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What’s you’re number? Who Has The Most Tarantulas?


Well-Known Member
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3 Year Member
Baltimore MD
As of now, this very moment in time, it's 12.

As they say, possession is 9/10ths of the law.

Once I unbox the P irminia sling, it'll be 13. Basically with that one, I'm going to set it up the same exact way in the same exact cage type that I used for my 4 pokies before placing them into their forever homes.

I'll also try to video tape the unboxing and provide a few more details at that time.

If my mature male succeeds in producing an egg sac, I anticipate in getting one or two slings from that as well.

Therefore the future potential is 14 to 15.

I'm also kicking around the idea of getting a Poecilotheria miranda or maybe a Phormicticus or possibly an OBT but haven't decided on how to proceed on that.

Most definitely I'm going to do a M balfouri communal with 3 or maybe 4 slings in the future after I set up my T stirmi's forever home.

A Singapore blue is also a possibility.


Well-Known Member
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Tarantula Club Member
The Oregon rain forest
How do you feed and maintain that many?
One at a time...;)
Many of my mature spiders I feed every 2-3 weeks.
Juveniles I feed every 2 weeks and slings once a week.
So other then constantly watering them everyone is spaced out with feedings. Each rack or shelf i have is dated so I know when they are ready.
Really I only feed around 100 spiders a week(about a hour)on average unless I have hatchlings. Then it gets real fun....by, by sundays.:D


Well-Known Member
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Tarantula Club Member
The Oregon rain forest
As of now, this very moment in time, it's 12.

As they say, possession is 9/10ths of the law.

Once I unbox the P irminia sling, it'll be 13. Basically with that one, I'm going to set it up the same exact way in the same exact cage type that I used for my 4 pokies before placing them into their forever homes.

I'll also try to video tape the unboxing and provide a few more details at that time.

If my mature male succeeds in producing an egg sac, I anticipate in getting one or two slings from that as well.

Therefore the future potential is 14 to 15.

I'm also kicking around the idea of getting a Poecilotheria miranda or maybe a Phormicticus or possibly an OBT but haven't decided on how to proceed on that.

Most definitely I'm going to do a M balfouri communal with 3 or maybe 4 slings in the future after I set up my T stirmi's forever home.

A Singapore blue is also a possibility.
Didn't know males produced egg sacks....:p:D


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Wishaw, Scotland
As of now, this very moment in time, it's 12.

As they say, possession is 9/10ths of the law.

Once I unbox the P irminia sling, it'll be 13. Basically with that one, I'm going to set it up the same exact way in the same exact cage type that I used for my 4 pokies before placing them into their forever homes.

I'll also try to video tape the unboxing and provide a few more details at that time.

If my mature male succeeds in producing an egg sac, I anticipate in getting one or two slings from that as well.

Therefore the future potential is 14 to 15.

I'm also kicking around the idea of getting a Poecilotheria miranda or maybe a Phormicticus or possibly an OBT but haven't decided on how to proceed on that.

Most definitely I'm going to do a M balfouri communal with 3 or maybe 4 slings in the future after I set up my T stirmi's forever home.

A Singapore blue is also a possibility.
Definitely an OBT if you don’t have one there great everyone must keep one at some point lol. I’m doing a communal too. Going for about 12/15 of them the tank I’m planning putting them in is huge obviously going to start with slings to get them as cheap as I can

Jess S

Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
South Wales
Definitely an OBT if you don’t have one there great everyone must keep one at some point lol. I’m doing a communal too. Going for about 12/15 of them the tank I’m planning putting them in is huge obviously going to start with slings to get them as cheap as I can

What you going to put in the communal?


Well-Known Member
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3 Year Member
Baltimore MD
Generally they tend to just go up.

M balfouri is really the only species that actually does better communally.

Yes, people try it with pokies and then one day, it's a bloodbath. I've also heard that when the first female becomes sexually mature, she'll kill off the rest.

Tick tock tick tock ... Kaboom & they're all gone except for one.

No tarantulas require a communal setup, even M balfouri.


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Wishaw, Scotland
It would be interesting to revisit and repost on this thread in a year's time. So we can see how the numbers increase! :D
That would be a good idea we’re still waiting on 2 people to give exact numbers but with there estimates were at 752 between everyone that’s posted so far. I think we should give it until Monday and see if anyone else posts a number. Then get a moderator to close the thread for replies until next year and we can revive it


New Member
San Antonio, TX
So who is it? Not including any egg sacs or just hatched as someone with a Lasiodora Parahybana sac is going to be above 1000.
Here is my list, I’m not asking for people to leave a list just there number!
1.1.1 Lasiodora Parahybana
0.0.2 Grammostola Pulchripes
0.0.2 Psalmopeous Cambridgei
0.1.0 Phormingochilus Everetti
0.1.0 Avicularia Avicularia
0.0.2 Hysterocrates sp. Cameroon
0.0.1 Heteroscodra Maculata
0.0.2 Poecilotheria Regalis
0.0.1 Pterinochilus Murinus
0.0.1 Acanthoscurria Geniculata
0.0.1 Holothele Sericea

Total 17
I have 34! Both new and old world


Well-Known Member
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Tarantula Club Member
Rahway, NJ
I have 10 at the moment but in due time, you will see me as a vendor on here :). Here is my list;
1. B. hamorii
2. B. boehmi
3. A. moderatum
4. A. chalcodes
5. A. seemani
6 and 7. L parahybana
8 and 9. H. sp columbia large
10. P. cambridgei
Apparently I have a lot of catching up to do lol. Love you guys! You all inspire me

Casey K.

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Tarantula Club Member
Good stuff ppl 851 now, we will just go with the estimate then @Casey K. lol

Around 800
Mix between adults (pairs & females), juveniles and slings. I see you are from Scotland... :) Do you know my dear friend @Shampain ? :) oh and it looks like you've got everyone beat in count, lol.
Last edited:


At the moment I´m at 6 just startet out couple off weeks ago, will be more in the future for sure. Allways open for suggestions, what spiders are nice to have around^^ I can recommend a B. Vagans, they are awesome, with a funny temper, sometimes they scared at everything next time they threadposture you =P From first to last spider I got.

Brachypelma Auratum, male, (almost mature I guess)
Brachypelma Vagans, unkown, (juvenile)
Chromatopelma Cyaneopubescens, unkown, (sling)
Chromatopelma Cyaneopubescens, female, (4 jears old)
Poecilotheria Metallica, female, (dls 4cml)
Theraphosa Blondi, Female, female, (dls 5cm)

Jess S

Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
South Wales
At the moment I´m at 6 just startet out couple off weeks ago, will be more in the future for sure. Allways open for suggestions, what spiders are nice to have around^^ I can recommend a B. Vagans, they are awesome, with a funny temper, sometimes they scared at everything next time they threadposture you =P From first to last spider I got.

Brachypelma Auratum, male, (almost mature I guess)
Brachypelma Vagans, unkown, (juvenile)
Chromatopelma Cyaneopubescens, unkown, (sling)
Chromatopelma Cyaneopubescens, female, (4 jears old)
Poecilotheria Metallica, female, (dls 4cml)
Theraphosa Blondi, Female, female, (dls 5cm)
Nice collection!