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The Hardiest Avicularia Species


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Ontario, Canada
I'm kind of kicking around the idea of getting an Avicularia and I would like some advice, please. Because any of the ones that I will be getting will be very small spiderlings, I want to ensure that I pick the hardiest species in the genus. I plan to ask Amanda her advice as well, but I wanted to get everyone's take on it here too.
Temperament is second priority because I don't want anyone too defensive either. I don't want to be dealing with an attitude on top of learning everything else.
I would love everyone's thoughts, please. Maybe if people could give me the top two or three that they would suggest in case they are not all available.
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Well-Known Member
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Outside San Antonio, TX
Your best bet is A avicularia, hands down. They're the only avics I've ever owned that never show any attitude. My versicolors both have their bad days. My A avics are always rather calm and curious, not afraid to come out for a walk about. I don't know why they're like that, but it's always kept them a step above the others, in my eyes. I suspect one is a mislabled metallica, which I've heard were a lot like A avics, only bigger and even calmer, so you might want to try a metallica. Hope this helps.


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Never owned the A. Avicularia. currently have a versicolor, puperea and diversepes tho. Had versis on and off and seem ok to care for but mine tended to do the versi defense move on me.....I. E. Point it's backside towards me and shoot poop if a bit annoyed with me. Purpurea and diversepes are still a bit small at the moment to tell the temperament. Good hunters though. All my avics follow the same care pattern, tall tanks, cross ventilation, not to moist and always a full water dish. Hope that helps. I think avics are gorgeous so go for it ☺


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Ontario, Canada
Okay, I didn't create this thread very well. I should have included the choices that I am limited to in the initial post.
Here are the ones that I can choose from...
Avicularia cf. juruensis
Avicularia diversipes
Avicularia geroldi
Avicularia minatrix
Avicularia purpurea
Avicularia sp. Colombia
Avicularia versicolor
Avicularia cf. aurantiaca
Avicularia cf. huriana
Avicularia laeta
I don't know sizes yet. Unfortunately A. avicularia and metallica are not options for me. :(


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Tarantula Club Member
Malton, UK
I only have 2 Avics, a laerta and a versi, and they both seem quite placid although the versi is tiny and the laerta is just over 1". If you're wanting colour I'd go for the versi


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My versicolor is really docile. And the only one I can speak to in your list.

She's an escape artist though if she's near the top of the enclosure. Luckily her web tunnels are in the middle.

I've never seen a threat pose or defensive act. She'll bolt into the web tunnel at the slightest disturbance.

Most beautiful T in my opinion. Slings color are just amazing and change each molt.

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