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Tarantula Update!


New York City

The last time I posted, I was wondering how big the two inch GBB sling I ordered was going to be, since my "one inch" avic was so large.

The answer? I guesstimate like, 3 inches or so! Meet Rider! He was pretty shy when he first arrived, but after some husbandry changes (the lights I was using were WAY too bright- they have been swapped for dim, red LEDs) and an enclosure and substrate change, he is out 24/7! He seems to like chilling in the top corners of his enclosure and along the walls... Maybe he thinks he's arboreal? He has his little spots and he'll just sit there for hours, watching what's going on, relaxing. His little bald spot is DARK, so I think he's approaching molt. He hasn't eaten at all for me, but he's still nice and round, so I'm not concerned.

I adore him. He has a little attitude on him- really like kicking hair. But he's so cute and cool and fun to watch. I'm sure once he does molt (however long it takes him to get there), he'll be a bit more active and maybe even have that amazing GBB feeding response I've heard so much about, or web up his enclosure.


New York City

Been another hot minute but! Dancer, my A. avic, molted!!! She is looking SO pretty and showing off those little fiber optic hairs (the reason I chose the Metallic morphotype!).

Took a look at her molt. It is TEENY so nothing is for sure but I think she's female. She'd be my first female- I have two confirmed males and one unsexed. I'll make a post about the two newbies in a moment!


New York City
And here are the two newbies!

Up first is Cecil, my male G. pulchra! Picked him up at the expo I went to two weekends ago, and I adore him. He is VERY chill, my largest T, and such a handsome fella! Eats like a champ, too- he loves dubias!


Now, I don't have the best pictures of this little nugget, but this is Menace. Earned his name when I made housing adjustments and he bolted all over, had to be caught, and gave me a whole crop of new grey hairs! He's a D. diamantinensis- a wishlist T for me, and I will NOT be rehousing him for a good. Long. While (Luckily his dram vial is plenty big, well webbed, and now has more ventilation holes in the sides!).

And finally, JUST because I have been bragging about him non-stop since he molted! Rider looks SO stunning!

Just look at those blues!!!!

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