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US Tarantula for sale


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member

1/3” Brachypelma albiceps $35

1” Brachypelma boehmei $45

3x $120

1.5-2” Brachypelma klaasi $100

1” Grammostola pulchra $60

3x for $150

1/2” Grammastola pulchripes $20

3x $50

1/2-1” Haploclastus devamatha $80

3x for $200

1/2” Hapalopus sp colombia large $35

1/2” Idiothele mira $35

3x for $75

1.5”-2” Monocentropus balfouri $45 each

5x for $200

10x for $350

15x $500

1/2” Neoholothele incei gold $15

10x for $80

1-1.5-2” Poecilotheria smithi $60

1-1.5” Psalmopoeus reduncus $45





Monocentropus balfouri adult $220

3” chromatopelma cyaneopubescens $150





possible Penmales?

Haplopelma bach ma 3.5-4” $85

Poecilotheria metallica (penmale)” 4-5”$110

Theraposa stirmi (penmale?) $75




Mature males:

Aphonopelma bicoloratum $75

Bonnetina alagoni $65
Cyriocosmus perezmilesi $50

2x Chaetopelma olivaceum $50

Grammostola actaeon $75

Harpactira pulchripes $65

Monocentropus balfouri $70

Neostenotarsus sp. French Guiana

(missing one pedipalp) $50

Orphnaecus philippinus $70

Ornithoctoninae sp. Laos $80

Psalmopoeus ecclesiasticus

Poecilotheria metallica $75

Theraposa stirmi $75




TOS (Terms of service)

•Buyer must cover 2.9% PayPal fee if you’re sending as pay for goods and services

•$80 minimum on all purchases before shipping

•Shipping is via Fedex Overnight which usually run $45-60 LAG (live arrival guarantee) only apply on overnight express.

•Shipping will be calculated based upon your zip code

•In the event of a DOA, you must notify me within 12 hours from when the package was received.

•Not responsible in any delayed package resulting to DOA or any lost package in transit.

•Evidence such as the picture of the dead specie will be required. Refund would only apply on spider/s and not including the paid shipping cost

• Buyer must cover shipping cost to replace DOA

• I do not hold unless payment is done. First come first serve

•LAG ( Live arrival guarantee) Temperature must be between 50-90

•USA shipping only

PM me if interested.

Thank you

My arachnoboard review:

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