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Well i think it is! haha, she was my very first T. Her name is Mouse because you can hold her and she wont do anything. It actually had no name when i got it, it was an asian pet shop. Thats where i got my first T. I watched a couple of videos and looked at pictures. So im pretty sure its a G Rosea
Whatever it is it is absolutely gorgeous I got my first tarantula which is also a rose hair when I was five years old and it died on my 24th birthday boo hoo but I've been hooked ever since
I have pair of P. Regalis only juvi (will breed when they are ready)
I have an adult female L.P and a 1" sling
and one T i forgot the name, but its probably a poki.
Future purchase:
When the reptile expo comes around my town. i will get H. Lividum, H. Minax and a M. Balfouri