Hey all, I need a bit of a sanity check. Im not a brand new hobbyist but Im no expert by any strech. I recently purchased 3 A. hentzi s'lings and lost all 3. Seems to me that, aside from being really upset with myself, I need to get a sort of sanity check when it comes to husbandry because it's most likely that was the problem. They were all super small... maybe .25" legspan. Put all 3 in unmodifiedTarantula Cribs s'ling enclosures. Filled them most of the way up w/coco fiber and kept them 1/2 dry, half damp but let them mostly dry out between watering. Fed fruit flies. bient temps ranged from 68 degrees F at night to mid-hogh 70s during the day. Nonheat lamps or anything for them to hurt themselves on... and still all 3 gone. So, for anyone who's successfully raised this spp. from s'ling, how did you/are you keeping yours? Does it sound like Im doing anything glaringly wrong/poorly? Any suggestions? TIA.