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US Red, white, blue, and 10% for you!!


New Member
3 Year Member
Email is the fastest way to contact me. :)
10% off does not apply to shipping. Sizes are approximate. US shipping only!

Bulk (excludes shipping):
L. parahybana 1/3" - 5 for $20 or 10 for $30
P. regalis 3/4" - 5 for $75 or 10 for $100
P. vittata 3/4"+ - 5 for $85 or 10 for $120

Mature males:
1.0.0 A. diversipes (Amazon Sapphire Pink Toe) - $65 - Matured 3/7/15

Immature males:
2.0.0 3" A. geniculata (Giant White Knee) - $55 each
1.0.0 3"+ B. albopilosum (Curly Hair) - $30
3.0.0 2" B. albopilosum (Curly Hair) - $18 each
2.0.0 3-3 1/2" B. smithi (Mexican Red Knee) - $75 each
2.0.0 3 1/2-4" L. parahybana (Salmon Pink BE) - $45 each
1.0.0 4" N. chromatus (Brazilian Red and White) - $40

0.1.0 6" G. pulchripes (Chaco Golden Knee) - $130 - Molted 2/27/15
0.1.0 2 1/2"+ G. pulchripes (Chaco Golden Knee) - $50
0.2.0 3 1/2-4" P. cancerides (Haitian Brown) - $55 each
0.1.0 6 1/2-7" P. fasciata - $135
0.1.0 2 1/2-3" P. metallica (Gooty Sapphire Ornamental) - $200
0.1.0 6 1/2" P. regalis (Indian Ornamental) - $100 - Possibly premolt

(4) 1-1 1/2" A. avicularia (Pink Toe) - $12 each
(4) 3/4" A. minatrix (Venezuelan Red Slate Pink Toe) - $30 each
(2) 1" A. ulrichea - $30 each
(4) 1" A. urticans (Peru Purple Pink Toe - $20 each
(10) 3/4" A. versicolor (Antilles/Martinique Pink Toe) - $20 each
(5) 1 1/4"+ B. albopilosum (Curly Hair) - $12 each
(5) 2 1/2" B. albopilosum (Curly Hair) - $22 each
(2) 1/4" C. sellatus (Peruvian Dwarf Star) - $32 each
(3) 3/4" H. lividum (Cobalt Blue) - $20 each
(2) 3/4" H. sp. columbia large (Pumpkin Patch) - $20 each
(2) 1/4" H. triseriatus (Lemon Patch) - $32 each
(2) 1 1/4" I. mira (Blue Foot Baboon) - $60
(5) 1 1/2" L. difficilis (Fiery Red BE) - $18 each
(50) 1/3" L. parahybana (Salmon Pink BE) - $5 each
(5) 1 1/4" P. cambridgei (Trinidad Chevron) - $20 each
(2) 2 1/2-3" P. metallica (Gooty Sapphire Ornamental) - $120 each
(20) 1 1/2" P. murinus (OBT) - $10 each
(10) 3/4" P. regalis (Indian Ornamental) - $20 each
(20) 3/4"+ P. vittata (Ghost Ornamental) - $22 each
(1) 3/4" T. gigas (Orange Tree Spider) - $25

I will only ship FedEx. MUST MESSAGE OR EMAIL ME for FedEx quote. Overnight will likely run somewhere around $50 and 2day around $30. I offer LAG on all of my shipments. If temps are extreme, we'll wait to ship. Heat/cold packs will be used as needed.

PayPal only, please! Minimum order of at least $40 before shipping and discount. If you receive a DOA, I need picture proof (may ask for further proof and is void if package is left outside) within 4 hours of receiving the package and I will refund the DOA's purchase price. Shipping is non refundable.
If you have any questions or would like pictures, please feel free to PM me or send me an email at: [email protected]