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R.I.P. Marie.. You will be missed!

Tongue Flicker

Active Member
3 Year Member
Madina't Isa, Bahrain
Today is a good and bad day for me. I just learned that the girl i like on x-factor US is out! (not a pet matter haha!)

Anyways, my mature adult Asian Forest Scorpion (Heterometrus longimanus), Marie Antoinette, just passed away. She's a beloved friend and my first date to the world of scorpions. It was a well-spent four years together. She's also my first dead scorpion >__<

With her babies last May:

The last photo i've taken with her:

I also went to the pet store to grieve and get a new pair of african clawed frogs or a leaf turtle but unfortunately they were already out of stock. (Wait, i think this is a rant lol).

For the good news, Marie's 5 babies are already pre-molt at 3i going 4i. Hope they carry on with their mother's legacy. Also, my Mexican Pink T, Cynthia just had a good, upright molt. An unusual molting position for a T but a good one nevertheless. My leo also had a nice shed last night and i got to see it first hand. (He usually sheds inside the hide or super late night when i'm already asleep). My two fire-bellied newts also got rehoused and i got my first, nice, bloody bite from my yellow vinesnake, Coldplay.

That's all folks!

Moral Lesson: When planning to get a non-sling scorp, better start at 5i or 6i for a longer time together :D

Good memories with her bestfriend, Sebastian


Sorry no visible bite photos, i fear my own blood lol

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