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Purchasing Poecilotheria Metallica and Sustainability Issues.


New Member
I recently realised that Poecilotheria Metallica is critically endangered. I once thought to add it to my collection in the future, but now realising that they are critically endangered, I am now in a perpetual debate and in indecisive turmoil.

On the one hand, purchasing, breeding and showcasing the T in question will create more demand and envy amongst hobbyists and newbie/would-be hobbyists. If breeders have none readily available, then more will be wild caught and the numbers continue to decrease until extinct in the wild (Amongst deforestation and other factors away from the hobby) . I read online about an entirely different debate about releasing captive bred to restore the populous which was interesting (But not the main point of this thread at all, so let's not go there for now...). I don't think something like that would make me feel better or help with my current indecision.

On the other one hand, I am buying the T from a reputable breeder and it is captive bred, not wild caught. So on my personal level and that of the breeder (Presuming they are not wild-catching T's in Gooty, India with a whimsical butterfly net!) there would be no problems at all. Although the problem of demand has pretty much existed before I even stated the hobby makes me wonder if purchasing the T will continue to fuel the fire, or if it's at a standstill, it wouldn't make much difference.

Being ethical and sustainable in the T hobby is a no brainer. Anyone who is not should seriously think twice about being, entering or remaining within the T hobby. I guess for me personally, I'm wondering on the extent and methods of what being a sustainable hobbyist looks like, and how it is best practised and finally, how this can help make my overall decision about this specific T. Yet right now, I feel like I am damned if I buy, damned if I don't buy.

Anyone have thoughts on this matter?


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
Norwich, UK
My wife brought a female metallica a few days. All you need to do is buy ones bred in your own country.