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my g pulchripes is acting strange. shes really skittish (normally, the only way to make her move is to feed her) shes walled herself inside her little flower pot hide. is this a sign of an upcoming molt?
Mine does that when about to molt. She covers the exit/entrance to her hide out with webbing and substrate too. Its a way to keep safe in the wild. Mine does it like a week before molting. Sometimes two.
My G. pulchra dug a burrow & stayed there for 3 weeks w/o eating, then ate a small cricket, molted two days later. Still in the burrow; I think it's channeling its inner-trapdoor spider because it waits for crickets to come down its tunnel.
Try not to worry; easy for me to say, though, because I could see it the whole time.
My fire red birdeater L. Difficilus just molted sucks because his molt is in bottom of the hole he live sin. I would have to destroy is home to get it out. I hope he eventually pushes it out.