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PMS much?


Active Member
3 Year Member
Manitoba, CA
I went to go change and refill my T ' s water dish and boom lord behold I see her doing a threat pose! I was surprised since she is considered very docile and has never done this yet, but at the same time I'm like 90% sure she is close to a molt, so she's getting into her moody periods ;)

It didn't bug me, actually made me excited haha, she has a "hammock" like Web going on by where she hides out, she also kind of dug a bit of a bed where she normally sits, hasn't eaten in about 3.5 weeks now, and looks like she's going to burst!

I'm so excited, I hope I get to watch, everyday I go to work and I think "omg what if she's molting, what of she gets stuck!" I worry too much :T:


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
Malton, UK
I love to see that threat pose :). Fingers crossed that you get to see it moult.


Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
I have to admit to enjoying the attitude they show us at times. I do my best to just keep then happy and not annoy them,
but totally enjoy them getting pissy with their little legs up,
at the same time I have a twinge of guilt that I've caused them to feel the need to be defensive.
Molt times have me pacing the floor with worry so I totally empathise with you on that one. ^*^


Active Member
3 Year Member
Manitoba, CA
I hear ya, the past times I have tried to feed her, she hadn't eaten so then I have to go on a hunt to find the cricket, and because I have a bigger enclosure and some decor it makes it tough, I always feel bad having to scrumage around, she usually doesn't mind but lately any little movement makes her skittish and now this :rolleyes:

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