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Please help tarantula not responsive curling legs under body


3 Year Member
Hey guys, I'm scared like never before for gerry, my B Emilia. Back in september she got lazy and started refusing food for the most part, only having the odd cricket. she molted about 2 weeks ago. Went back to going all around and climbing her tank. I took her out and put her in a tupperware container while I cleaned her tank and filled it with more eco earth than it had. she went right back to walking all around on the walls and stuff. she had a cricket a few days ago and last night one landed kind of on her and she grabbed it straight away. Earlier she wav going up the side of the tank but she was just now curling her leg under her, I rubbed her with an xbox mic fuzzy like I usually do to get a response, both on the back leg and the abdomen with no response-which is abnormal, I was even able to touch her abdomen with my hand a little without any response. she has since righted her posture but I am still worried about her. I put the paper in there because she seemed to like it prior to her molt(different piece of paper), she even molted on it.


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Tara Russell

Active Member
3 Year Member
Ouch not a death curl hopefully he or she is doing fine right now anyways you should put her in a ICU would be best 2 Google how 2 do a ICU and put him or her in a dark place


3 Year Member
I think she is grooming herself. When tarantulas do this they often contort themselves into all kinds of weird positions. Mind tend to do it right after eating. In the death curl, all eight legs are curled under; from what I'm seeing, your T is only curling a few at a time. If you have noticed that her behavior is different, it may be one of those personality changes that sometimes occur after a molt.

Btw, you get your crickets from the pet store, right? Just making sure, because wild-caught insects are unsafe due to their potentially having come in contact with pesticides and such.

Tara Russell

Active Member
3 Year Member
I think she is grooming herself. When tarantulas do this they often contort themselves into all kinds of weird positions. Mind tend to do it right after eating. In the death curl, all eight legs are curled under; from what I'm seeing, your T is only curling a few at a time. If you have noticed that her behavior is different, it may be one of those personality changes that sometimes occur after a molt.

Btw, you get your crickets from the pet store, right? Just making sure, because wild-caught insects are unsafe due to their potentially having come in contact with pesticides and such.
Sally often does that as well grooms after a meal ^^


3 Year Member
I think she is grooming herself. When tarantulas do this they often contort themselves into all kinds of weird positions. Mind tend to do it right after eating. In the death curl, all eight legs are curled under; from what I'm seeing, your T is only curling a few at a time. If you have noticed that her behavior is different, it may be one of those personality changes that sometimes occur after a molt.

Btw, you get your crickets from the pet store, right? Just making sure, because wild-caught insects are unsafe due to their potentially having come in contact with pesticides and such.

Thank you, she had recently eaten, BUT I notice her grooming from time to time, she TYPICALLY stands up tall to do it, and I couldn't see much movement of the legs indicating grooming from that position. she was also lying completely on the paper. she's yet to ever curl all legs under and hasnt done that since the other day and doesn't spend all day like that either. I noted earlier she was lying flat(all legs straight out) on the paper too. maybe she "likes" the paper, IDK. I'm aware of attitude shifts and was sort of surprised to see little change. she's still fairly docile, somewhat active, she still loves going up the walls like always
And yes I've never given her anything wild for that reason

And shes been Gerry as usual lately thank you Tara
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Tara Russell

Active Member
3 Year Member
Thank you, she had recently eaten, BUT I notice her grooming from time to time, she TYPICALLY stands up tall to do it, and I couldn't see much movement of the legs indicating grooming from that position. she was also lying completely on the paper. she's yet to ever curl all legs under and hasnt done that since the other day and doesn't spend all day like that either. I noted earlier she was lying flat(all legs straight out) on the paper too. maybe she "likes" the paper, IDK. I'm aware of attitude shifts and was sort of surprised to see little change. she's still fairly docile, somewhat active, she still loves going up the walls like always
And yes I've never given her anything wild for that reason

And shes been Gerry as usual lately thank you Tara
No problem and by the sounds of that sounds like she is stretching out those legs of hers :D