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Pet Godparents

Nurse Ratchet

Well-Known Member
South Carolina
In case the Lacey Act passes as is, and many pets will not be permitted to cross state lines, I thought I'd plan ahead for worst case scenario and maybe advise y'all to give it some thought as well.
If I meet an untimely demise for any reason in the near future, my friends and family have made it very clear that they will take care of my dogs and cats, but nothing else. Some even suggested (kindly, they thought) that they would release my tarantulas and reptiles in the woods by my house to "be free." Umm....NO! For so many reasons, NO!
So I spoke to a local vendor who has agreed to take in my non-mammals in case the worst should ever happen.
Just something to think about.


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Tarantula Club Member
Even before this whole banning thing became a hot button issue, I had been thinking about contacting a local pet refuge who has handled tarantulas in the past to set something up. It's probably a good idea to plan ahead.

Having said that, I am urging people not to panic and just see how this whole thing pans out.


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
New york
This is a interesting topic and has also been a concern of mine. I mean, wth happens to my tarantulas if something unexpected happens to me? I currently have 30 and am in my 50’s… I’ve been trying to come up with good plan — who could I even contact? I am keeping a record of all the species I care for.

Does anyone else think about this? Do you have a plan or others you can count on?

Nurse Ratchet

Well-Known Member
South Carolina
You could reach out to fellow T owners in NY for a more immediate plan if something were to happen. A few of our forum members are in your state. Just add it to your Will and tell some family who to contact and how.
As for long term, it may need to be revised every so often.


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Tarantula Club Member
Norwich, UK
My wife shares my love of all things invertebrate , as does one of my daughters. So no problems here.

The issue here is magic books & some of my radio kit. Some of my books are worth a couple of pounds at most, some are worth several hundred upwards. And with the radio kit, my wife is also a radio amateur, but I also have a few pirate broadcast transmitters & she would have no idea what they are worth or where, or how, to sell them.