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Matt Jones

New Member
3 Year Member
Hi guys
I'm matt and New to the hobby.
I've wanted a T for many years but with the shear amount of different species available I've felt spoiled for choice.
I haven't taken the decision lightly I've been watching YouTube videos for the past 2 years and reading the comments , With so much differences of opinions it wasn't an easy choice for my first but eventually decided on a G Pulchripes sling. After searching a few mail order sites I found the 1 I was looking for with Bristol tarantulas. Read a few reviews that were all good with happy customers so I went ahead with my order. Soon after processing the order I continued to read some reviews to find a load of awful reviews and really unhappy people. This did worry me a bit but had to give them the opportunity to deliver. Luckily for me everything was spot on even had a freebie sling as well as some tongs and a pipette. Packaging was spot on, Plenty of packing, Protection and the pots the slings where housed in were A good size with tissue as extra protection. I received good communications from them about the dispatch and ETA and they also asked me to let them know how they were doing.
I can only judge them following my experience and I think they got it spot on so wouldn't hesitate using them in the future or recommending them.
Both slings are doing fantastic with the H.Giggs freebie just successfully moulted.
The only problem now is I've become addicted to the hobby and just put an order in for a Lasiadora Parahybana juvenile and B.Vagans sling. I've also got a pair of white spotted assassin bugs coming on the same order as I find them fascinating . I've ordered from portsmouth tarantulas. Couldn't find any online reviews of them but saw a couple of youtubers recommend them, Has anyone had experience with them before?
Sorry for quite a lengthy thread, Hope you won't hold it against me


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
Malton, UK
Hi Matt, welcome on board. :)
I believe Tarantulas Bristol have had a bad spell but seem to be improving again. Some other good UK online shops are:-
http://exotic-animals.co.uk/index.php?route=product/category&path=20_27 (also on eBay as seller
and of course Portsmouth Tarantulas which I have only used once but very happy with them.

There are some very good European online sites too, much cheaper than the UK and with better choices, in fact everything you need to feed the addiction :D


Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Welcome Matt. Anything @Enn49 says is nearly gospel in the spider world. She is a great resource. Welcome to TF. Sounds like a great collection that you got started there.

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