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New pink toe sling


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Was at our LPS this weekend and noticed a new batch of Avicularia avicularia, Guyana Pink Toe slings.

We snagged a 1.25 in sling for $30. We have the sling in a 4x4x8 arboreal enclosure with vertical cork bark and about 2 in of substrate to hold humidity. The sling has been glued to the inside of the lid of the enclosure for 3 days... When should we worry?


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The Oregon rain forest
Was at our LPS this weekend and noticed a new batch of Avicularia avicularia, Guyana Pink Toe slings.

We snagged a 1.25 in sling for $30. We have the sling in a 4x4x8 arboreal enclosure with vertical cork bark and about 2 in of substrate to hold humidity. The sling has been glued to the inside of the lid of the enclosure for 3 days... When should we worry?
When its laying on the ground you should worry.
It may take a while for it to web up it's new home. Sometimes they wait until they molt. I wouldnt worry as long as it has lots of ventilation and water it should be good to go.


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The sling is moving around it's enclosure pretty regularly now and has eaten 2 large crickets, one every 3 days or so.

It has a bottle cap water dish that I keep full and I lightly mist 2 sides of the enclosure every few days. One side is near a heater so the T can regulate temp by moving closer to farther to the heated side.

Quick pics of sling and enclosure attached; it has a cricket in it's clutches. All 4 sides of the enclosure are ventilated as is the lid. There is about 2" of Coco fiber substrate and a cork bark section placed diagonally. It has barely started webbing.

I ordered an Exo Terra Nano Tall (8x8x12) as it's forever home for when it outgrows its current enclosure. My GBB is in ET Nano (not tall) and it seems to be working okay.


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Fed the pink toe today, first time after it's molt

Crushed the head of a med B. lat and laid it at the top of the webbing and sprayed the enclosure with water.

Af first the T retreated from the sprayer but then went up for a look and a drink. The roach managed to slip by the T and ended up tangled in some webbing inside the tube. When the spider returned after exploring/drinking it actually placed a foot on the roach, the roach moved and the T nailed it.

I will re-house her next week


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I bet that was a memorable experience! If you took any photos and are willing to share them, that would be awesome :)
i found a few of my pictures from one of my excursions. It shows the environment where Avicularia sp. are found. The one sitting on the old fence pole ate a cicada almost her own size. I saw this one sitting there while we were driving by!

1996 Venezuela0317.JPG


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Fed the pink toe a 5/8-3/4" roach with a crushed head today. Placed it at the top of the webbing and as soon as the T felt the writhing and wriggling of the roach in the webbing she nailed it.

I later observed her basically tearing her webbing down, I think she is telling me she is ready to move out into a bigger enclosure.