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Looking for advise

Chilean mommy

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3 Year Member
Hello everyone....I recently became the proud new mommy of a Chilean Rose haired T, I have had her for about 2 months and over the past few weeks I have noticed some changes in her behavior. She use to wonder all over her enclosure and climb the rocks and branches and was eating fine now she has been staying in one position for most of the day which is with her legs tucked in as close as possible, when she does move it is to the water dish were she will rest either a few legs in it or her whole body. I have noticed that she has lost some weight in her abdominal area. I offer her crickets every week and.did eat a few after I brought her home but now nothing, I have tried every size cricket and even meal worms and she is not interested. The pet store had only had her a few months and stated that she hadn't molted yet. Over the past two days I have noticed she has been bringing her legs up and down but she doesn't want to actual move. She has a water dish I check daily and fill when it's low, she has a coconut substrate and a heating mat for night time since it does get cool in my house. Tempature is usually around 70-75 degrees during the day. I have become very found of my little Rosie but am very worried. I don't know if this is part of the pre molt process or what. But since she seems to be frail I haven't taken her out of her enclosure like I was doing at one point. Can you please give me some ideas on what might be going on and tips to help her out. Thank you


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It sounds like it could be dehydrated but it's hard to say from the description. Are you handling her frequently?

Just a heads up, Rosies aren't the best eaters, which is why I don't recommend them as a great starter tarantula. Their fasting habits a lot of times confuses and frustrates novice keepers. I'm not saying they're a bad beginner species, just that there are far better choices out there. Try looking into some Brachys, such as Brachypelma smithi or albopilisum. Aphonopelma and Euthalus species are also great for beginners. I'd recommend any of these over G.rosea. I realize you already have her in your possession, but keep those species in mind for future reference.

Chilean mommy

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3 Year Member
I was handling her every day up until the past 2 weeks when she started to behave this way....i did read up on dehydration and saw on line you could increase humidity level by covering some of the top of the enclosure slightly. I have not tried this yet.


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I was handling her every day up until the past 2 weeks when she started to behave this way....i did read up on dehydration and saw on line you could increase humidity level by covering some of the top of the enclosure slightly. I have not tried this yet.
That's probably the issue then. She's obviously stressed from being handled. Tarantulas are not good animals for handling. They don't like it, and it's not beneficial to them in any way. If you want an animal you can handle, I'd recommend a gerbil or hamster or some type of reptile that will tolerate it.

Chilean mommy

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3 Year Member
Well handling her is not the issue because it was always briefly when I was taking out the water dish to give fresh. Never more then 5 mins. I'm not one to have a spider crawling all over me at all. Also she was never forced to be held if she didn't crawl onto me then I wouldn't take her out and I was always watching her posturing


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Well handling her is not the issue because it was always briefly when I was taking out the water dish to give fresh. Never more then 5 mins. I'm not one to have a spider crawling all over me at all. Also she was never forced to be held if she didn't crawl onto me then I wouldn't take her out and I was always watching her posturing
How can you be so certain it's not the issue? Even if it is only briefly, you're still removing her from her habitat where she feels secure, pretty frequently. Its not about the duration that you're doing it for, its about how often you're removing her. I never have to remove any of my tarantulas from their homes when refilling or cleaning a water dish. Not only is it unnecessary, but it's pretty much impossible to do when you're keeping more defensive and venomous species, like old worlds.

Chilean mommy

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3 Year Member
How are you so sure it's stress?? Aren't there plenty of articles on line that talk about handling Ts as well as in books as well. In the tarantula keeper's guide mentions it numerous times and even has 4 pages on telling you how to pick them up properly. Thank you for your input. I have increased the humidity and put in a larger shallow dish for water which will allow her to sit in it more easily so she can drink. Hopefully this will help. I will say the weather has been all over the place during this time of her illness and one night it is in the 40's and daytime highs in the 60's then the next day almost 90 for a high and lows of 70.


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How are you so sure it's stress?? Aren't there plenty of articles on line that talk about handling Ts as well as in books as well. In the tarantula keeper's guide mentions it numerous times and even has 4 pages on telling you how to pick them up properly. Thank you for your input. I have increased the humidity and put in a larger shallow dish for water which will allow her to sit in it more easily so she can drink. Hopefully this will help. I will say the weather has been all over the place during this time of her illness and one night it is in the 40's and daytime highs in the 60's then the next day almost 90 for a high and lows of 70.
Okay well I tried to help. If you don't wanna listen to me, then that's your choice. I would try telling you that increasing humidity for a species like this that likes bone-dry conditions is pointless, but I suppose there's no point.
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The water dish will provide all the humidity it needs. No need for misting or anything.


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Malton, UK
I have to agree with Chubbs, Ts are not for handling. I don't handle any of mine and my G. rosea eats and drinks regularly. If I feel the need to cuddle something it will be a cat, dog or even my snake but never a T.

Down with OBT

3 Year Member
ok I'll chime in. Just because its the most "pet rock" doesn't make it any different from a P. cambridgei or P. murinus or H. lividum. All have the potential to sink fangs 1/2" into your body, but that's not the worst. If ever your tarantula was to get freaked and bolted off your hand to a 3' fall its almost assuredly a dead tarantula. The abdomen will rupture and not only would there be a gooey mess but you would either have to put your pet out of its misery or watch it die over a couple of hours. Just not worth it IMO

Payden King

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There are plenty of people who hold there tarantulas. Me being one of them. Everyone has a different opinion and I think we should all respect each other's opinions. If you don't want to handle your pet you don't have to. It's your pet. But if you do want to then you can. Again. It's your pet. Lots of people have different opinions on al animals so we all just have to respect others decisions :) I do believe that it stresses them if done often but I don't believe that it should be totally out of the picture. Yes they can bite you but so can your dog. Doesn't keep you from petting your dog if you want to! Everyone has different views :T:


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There are plenty of people who hold there tarantulas. Me being one of them. Everyone has a different opinion and I think we should all respect each other's opinions. If you don't want to handle your pet you don't have to. It's your pet. But if you do want to then you can. Again. It's your pet. Lots of people have different opinions on al animals so we all just have to respect others decisions :) I do believe that it stresses them if done often but I don't believe that it should be totally out of the picture. Yes they can bite you but so can your dog. Doesn't keep you from petting your dog if you want to! Everyone has different views :T:
I disagree. It's not a matter of opinion. Old Worlds for example should NOT be handled. Ever.

spidey noob

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tyne & wear uk
i just dont under stand why some people are willing to risk the Ts health/life for there own personal enjoyment !!!
maybe some one who handles there Ts could explain why they handle them in the first place & what they get out of it ??? or maybe there is an up side to it that most people dont no abought yet ???

Down with OBT

3 Year Member
short answers. Its fun. Get a thrill.

I used to pick everything up to take unimpeded macro ventral photos to try and document exactly what the typical male & female would look like. This all stopped when my H. minax found reverse and almost tagged me.


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short answers. Its fun. Get a thrill.

I used to pick everything up to take unimpeded macro ventral photos to try and document exactly what the typical male & female would look like. This all stopped when my H. minax found reverse and almost tagged me.
Thrill seekers are not exactly the type of people we want in this hobby. These are the same morons who handle OW species, and risk ruining it for everyone else when they end up in the hospital as the result of a bite. This self-centered attitude needs to stop. People need to realize that what they do also affects everyone else in the hobby.


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Malton, UK
the problem is everybody calls them a pet. They are not a pet they are an ornament that you need to feed.

I disagree. My tarantulas are my pets just as are my cats, dog and snake but I choose to treat them right by not handling them. I would hate to be the cause of one suffering because it didn't want me holding it and chose to jump off me and kill itself. If I want to cuddle something I cuddle a cat.

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