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Is she going to die?


New Member
I moved across Canada and my friend left my tarantula behind. I got a friend to ship her as fast as possible but it still took 4 days for her to get here, when she got here everything in the tank was broken, the fibers were really cold and she was buried in her coconut fiber. She didn't move for the 1st 20 minutes. Then her legs started to twitch. She finally crawled a little on me after 35 minutes so I put her back in the tank with a tank warming plate. She's stayed in the same spot. She's only the size of a quarter. Every once in a while she moves her legs but not much else. Her legs are stretched straight out, not tucked under her and when I touch her she doesn't run but moves her legs a little. Is she dying?


Evanston, IL
Yikes, she sounds like she's in really bad shape. I'd take her to a specialty vet and see if they can help. Other than that, replace her enclosure, give her lots of water to rehydrate herself, and hope for the best. You could also put her in an ICU cup. I'm sure a more experienced keeper could give you more advice. Best of luck to you and your tarantula.


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The Oregon rain forest
Yikes, she sounds like she's in really bad shape. I'd take her to a specialty vet and see if they can help. Other than that, replace her enclosure, give her lots of water to rehydrate herself, and hope for the best. You could also put her in an ICU cup. I'm sure a more experienced keeper could give you more advice. Best of luck to you and your tarantula.
Sorry...I had to laugh at the specialty vet. That was great. :D


New Member
Bad quality picture but this is what shes looking like atm.


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What kind of tarantula is it? From what I understand, some don't tolerate humid ICUs. I wouldn't put a warming plate in or on the enclosure directly. If you feel it necessary, put the enclosure in a larger enclosure and put the warming plate on the side of the outer enclosure to raise the ambient temperature. Make sure she has water. Put her so that her mouth is over the water dish if possible. Good luck and let us know how she is doing!


New Member
She survived the night, I didn't want to move her much so I wet the substrate around her, we moved her into the cap of a water bottle today that has some water in it and she was moving a little more but still seems to be pretty still. She is supposed to be a Mexican red knee but I am not certain if thats what I got sent to me as she was so much smaller when I got her, just about 1/4 inch when she came to me. Here is a better picture of her.


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Casey K.

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I'm sorry to learn your T passed away but your friend shipped her WHILE she was in her enclosure???? Perhaps she would've survived if your friend had shipped her the proper way. There are several youtube videos that teach you how to pack a tarantula the correct way using misted paper towel and a vial/deli container. That poor spider never had a chance being tossed about inside its enclosure the entire duration in transit. I'm surprised our advanced keepers/dealers here failed to mention this upon reading your post. The best youtube video and the one I learned how to pack T's by watching is Steven Stamps video. He does a wonderful job. Spreading this knowledge is detrimental to a tarantulas health if someone is a first time shipper. I hope you find another fur baby soon!!!

Kind regards,

Casey K.


New Member
Yes my friend did, unfortunately she is not knowledgeable in Ts. As soon as I got her and noticed this I was rightfully worried and prayed for the best. She was my husbands baby and he's pretty sad. In the spring we will likely get a new one, but its to cold right now to get another sent to us if we don't find a local seller as shipping times to us are severely delayed.

Casey K.

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Yes my friend did, unfortunately she is not knowledgeable in Ts. As soon as I got her and noticed this I was rightfully worried and prayed for the best. She was my husbands baby and he's pretty sad. In the spring we will likely get a new one, but its to cold right now to get another sent to us if we don't find a local seller as shipping times to us are severely delayed.

Yeah shipping this time of year gets pretty rough. Even when you include heat packs you need to make sure they submit the proper duration of heat prior to shipping. Packing the tarantula the proper way is also very important. Thank you for sharing with us. :) This is a great place to come to for information. There are a lot of knowledgeable folks around here. :)


Well-Known Member
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Tarantula Club Member
The Oregon rain forest
I'm sorry to learn your T passed away but your friend shipped her WHILE she was in her enclosure???? Perhaps she would've survived if your friend had shipped her the proper way. There are several youtube videos that teach you how to pack a tarantula the correct way using misted paper towel and a vial/deli container. That poor spider never had a chance being tossed about inside its enclosure the entire duration in transit. I'm surprised our advanced keepers/dealers here failed to mention this upon reading your post. The best youtube video and the one I learned how to pack T's by watching is Steven Stamps video. He does a wonderful job. Spreading this knowledge is detrimental to a tarantulas health if someone is a first time shipper. I hope you find another fur baby soon!!!

Kind regards,

Casey K.
Poking at me??? ;) I didnt feel it was necessary to talk badly about her friends shipping practices.

Casey K.

Well-Known Member
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Poking at me??? ;) I didnt feel it was necessary to talk badly about her friends shipping practices.

Lol.....you know I would never do that....but you are an Elite here. Lol. ****, I feel it necessary to call her friend out just to educate. I feel bad for the spider but with a little research I also feel the spiders fate could've been prevented.


Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
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Tarantula Club Member
The Oregon rain forest
Lol.....you know I would never do that....but you are an Elite here. Lol. ****, I feel it necessary to call her friend out just to educate. I feel bad for the spider but with a little research I also feel the spiders fate could've been prevented.
I would have blew you a kiss but we don't have that emoji. :D

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