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Info on best food for Ts


Active Member
Can anyone tell me which bugs are best for TS to make them huge I use mainly crickets anyone ever try a experiment on there Ts to see how big they can get with certain bugs or vitamins if anyone ever tried this and successfully got your T huge and still healthy can you let me know thanks.


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1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
Norwich, UK
It takes more than food to make a T larger. Heat also plays a part. I have 2 Homoeomma chilensis, both from the same person on the same day last year One is now at least 25% bigger than the other.


Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Can anyone tell me which bugs are best for TS to make them huge I use mainly crickets anyone ever try a experiment on there Ts to see how big they can get with certain bugs or vitamins if anyone ever tried this and successfully got your T huge and still healthy can you let me know thanks.
If you feed up a T so it gets huge all you do is cause a longer moult cycle as it will be in premoult and refuse food for a longer time as you have over fed it - it's not good for Ts to be overfed and fat asit may cause issues when they do actually moult, the aim is to have a T with a reasonable sized healthy abdomen and food offered on a less frequent basis if adult -
There is no benefit to making Ts really fat and it in no way can make them grow quicker as there are other environmental factors that pre determine this for example temperature, the sex of the T ect :)


Active Member
It takes more than food to make a T larger. Heat also plays a part. I have 2 Homoeomma chilensis, both from the same person on the same day last year One is now at least 25% bigger than the other.
Okay I have two LP juveniles and two curly hair one curly is a sling and the second one is juvenile the LPs been molting like crazy the past 9mons it's almost a year since I had the LPs and curly hair I also have trap door spider and masdagar zebra spider and wolf spider hogna shimcht the wolf spider and the zebra molted a few times already the trap door just molted the other day it took longer for the trapdoor to molt I had all TS and true spiders about all the same time I have the heating pad on the side of the 40 gallon tank I have them all in separate enclosures very interesting hobby I also just got into thanks for the info


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