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I'm a newbie, with some questions.

I would like some help with my spider

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New Member
I'm new to this forum, I've got some questions about my new tarantula but I've had many negative responses to questions in other places. I've had spiders in the past but as my son said we just looked after them back then as we hadn't got a clue and they thrived without us really doing much. It was many years ago but now I'm getting stressed about Steve.

I got his setup sorted, the temperature and humidity are fine, but when he arrived around four weeks ago, he just strolled into the hide, and I've not seen him since. I've put crickets in, he's been out of his hide as there is a hole where he hid, but I still haven't seen him. He's been here for almost four weeks.

I don't think I need to be worrying yet, but I would appreciate any helpful advice. As I said I've had negative comments on other places, I don't need any more. All I'm asking for is sensible advice.


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Malton, UK
How big is Steve? Could you post photos of his container so we can tell if there are any problems with it.
Slings usually settle quite quickly but as they get bigger they take longer to settle in a new home.


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No stress, no worries - there are few Tarantula emergencies.

Has Steve been eating? Does Steve have access to clean water at all times?

Please post pics of the enclosure, from overhead and the side, please.


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Queens, NY
I wouldn't worry about it. Rehousing and new environment are very stressful to most Ts, Steve just need a little time to acclimate and feel at home. If it is still a big sling or a juvenile he will likely hide for a while (this said, even with common behavior throughout species, every individual T can have its own attitude or behavior). Your Tliltocatl vagans will likely burrow and hide a lot, even as a full adult female mine like to stay out of sight most of the time, except at night under red lights. You are in the right place on this forum as we are all (pretty much all) nice and friendly people. The search option on the forum will allow you to find tons of threads answering most questions you might have but we are also always here to help :)
Have a great day.


New Member
Thanks all for the friendly welcome!

This is Steve's enclosure, 12"x12"x12" Exo Terra, with carpet taped to the back and sides to help keep him nice and warm, and for a bit of darkness too. I also cover the back of the lid with a small fleece to help keep out the light a bit more and it helps to maintain the temperature overnight, as he is in my woman cave down the bottom of the garden, which is purpose built fully insulated shed, but I don't have enough power to run an electric heater. (The candle in the reflection is unscented and I've not lit any since he arrived, just to be on the safe side, and the inhaler is for me, not Steve!

He's a juvenile as I didn't want to have to worry about a spiderling as I've only had previous experience with adult tarantulas, but I wanted to watch one grow. He has a small dish of water always available (shallow so he can't drown in it) and I also mist once a day.

As well as acclimatising I suspect he might have been molting as he appeared suddenly last night and looks a fair bit bigger than he did when I first put him in. He has been eating, so I'm no longer as worried as I have been! He was named after a good friend of mine who died unexpectedly on New Years Day, and his partner and I both agreed that he would have loved having a tarantula named after him, so Steve it was! He (or she of course) appeared last night, and yesterday was human Steve's birthday.

Again thanks for the responses which helped to ease my mind, and next time I want to ask something (hopefully not too often now), I'll make sure to do a forum search first, as I know how annoying it can be when you see questions that have already been answered a bazillion times.


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Welcome to TF! A great place to get good answers. As others said, no need to worry. I would like to add if you keep a tarantula in a way they live in nature, you will not see them very often. Sometimes 6 months or longer. They also are mostly active at night... :)


New Member
Thanks again for all the advice. It would appear that Steve is a bit of an exhibitionist. I fed him earlier and he's been strutting about ever since. All my worrying has clearly been in vain!! He's clearly a bit of a tart! Don't worry about the pink stuff in the photo, it's just the Barbie stuff he asked me to get for him. Or a reflection. You decide.


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