I've had many arthropods before, up to Scolopendra gigantea(I dont recommend). Now ive got lots of kids n babies n stuff so I keep a Brachypelma boehmei (Mexican Fire Leg) for my 6 year old. Hes really into ants so ill probably get a tube or two eventually. I did ask this forum for gender confirmation months ago and was helped out very quickly so thank you all.
Here he is:
I've had many arthropods before, up to Scolopendra gigantea(I dont recommend). Now ive got lots of kids n babies n stuff so I keep a Brachypelma boehmei (Mexican Fire Leg) for my 6 year old. Hes really into ants so ill probably get a tube or two eventually. I did ask this forum for gender confirmation months ago and was helped out very quickly so thank you all.
Here he is: