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I think my A. sp Aurora has died.


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Malton, UK
It had been in an odd position all day, half on it's back in its web. Tonight I realised it was trying to moult but very weak movements so I've moved it into a smaller container on damp paper towel but there is no movement now and no reaction to a gentle touch on its legs. Needless to say I'm gutted but I shall wait until morning and see what happens.

I'm also in a quandary as to whether to get another or not. I'd held off getting an Avic because of all the tales of slings dying but this one seemed to be doing well although I hadn't had it long, only 8 weeks. I'd grown quite attached to this one and was looking forward to watching it develop its adult colours.

Edit:- The decision has been made for me, the shop has none left.
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Poor little mite hadn't got very far with its moult but it's definitely gone. I just wish I'd spotted it earlier and maybe been able to do something to help it.



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Malton, UK
Thank you both. It came as such a shock as it was an active little thing and eating well.


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Sorry for your loss. :( The finicky slings is one reason an Avic isn't in my plans for awhile.

Thank you. No, I think I'll steer clear of them for a while yet. I might have been tempted to try again if the shop had any more Aurora's in but they've sold out.


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If you've gone completely "off" Avics now I can understand that completely, but if you would want to give them another chance, AFAIK, Tarantula Bristol have AF A. versicolor on preorder (a bit pricey though). I got mine from them as a grown on sling (about 1" +) and apart from being a moody b****, she (or he) is thriving so far, has had a couple of molts (3) and looks like a mini adult already.


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Malton, UK
If you've gone completely "off" Avics now I can understand that completely, but if you would want to give them another chance, AFAIK, Tarantula Bristol have AF A. versicolor on preorder (a bit pricey though). I got mine from them as a grown on sling (about 1" +) and apart from being a moody b****, she (or he) is thriving so far, has had a couple of molts (3) and looks like a mini adult already.

Thanks Fuzzball, I'll have a think about it. It was the sp Aurora that I really liked.

I've just finished unpacking and rehousing my 3 new ones and I'm just about to post some picks in Enn's Bunch


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I'm so sorry to hear this,but don't let it put you off Avics altogether their a great species to keep.I know slings can be somewhat tricky untill you get a feel for them but maybe do what Fuzzball suggested and get a juvenile you won't regret it their great little T's...


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Malton, UK
I'm so sorry to hear this,but don't let it put you off Avics altogether their a great species to keep.I know slings can be somewhat tricky untill you get a feel for them but maybe do what Fuzzball suggested and get a juvenile you won't regret it their great little T's...
so so sorry for your loss enn :( dont give up on avics they are an amazeing spices to raise !!!

Thank you folks. I won't rule Avics out completely but it was the adult colours of the Aurora that tempted me so maybe if I get the chance I will try again.

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